London Broil with Goaty Grits

Ruth Reichl is one of my cooking icons.  When Epicurious ended I was gutted. Was her career over, would she continue to write? She is incredibly inspirational to my own cooking style. The recipe I made tonight was inspired by her. She would collect ingredients in the street markets on her way home and make a dish.  I went walking through our little market at NCF and came up with dinner.

London Broil is Flank Steak’s big brother. Have a large crowd to please? Get a London Broil. Tonight’s dinner is an indulgence, the London Broil is $10 lb and then the grits have Skyr Tykke  $5 (goat sour cream) & Garbo goat cheese $5. Our goat cheese products come from Celebrity Goat Dairy. With the veggies and stone grits this meal runs around $45.  This was our big family dinner of the week. This meal can be broken up or served with other items. The grits are a heavenly meal all on their own. Luckily we have lots of grits left over and I’m eyeing them for breakfast. There are 3 separate recipes in this one blog post. Please be patient with me.


London Broil

  • 2-3 lb London Broil
  • 1 cup Soy Sauce
  • 1/3 cup Lime juice
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Chili Powder
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  1. Combine spices, herbs, lime juice, & soy sauce. Place London Broil in a 1 gallon zip top bag, pour marinade over, close & place in fridge for 8-12 hours.
  2. Pull out 90 minutes prior to cooking. This is a very thick cut of meat that you want at room temp all the way through,
  3. Line a jelly roll pan with foil, place a wire cooling rack on top on the jelly roll pan, place the London Broil in the center of the rack
  4. PreHeat Broiler at 500
  5. Place Broil under the Broil for 12 minutes flip then cook for another 12 minutes ( London Broil is typically served rare to mid rare, my family choose the rare option)
  6. Rest Broil for 7 minutes slice thin and serve over Goaty Grits.



Peppers, Onions & Mushrooms

  • 2 Bell Peppers any color other than green slice thinly
  • 1 medium red onion sliced thinly
  • 12 ounces sliced mushrooms
  • 2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 TBSP Lime Juice
  • Salt Pepper to taste
  1. In a large heavy bottom skillet heat the EVOO over med heat
  2. Add mushrooms and onions cook for 5 min turning frequently
  3. When onions & mushrooms start browning add in the peppers cook for 2 min
  4. Turn heat to high add lime juice let veggies caramelize getting a bit dark.
  5. Serve immediately with London Broil


Goaty Grits

  • 1 tub Garbo Goat Cheese
  • 4 ounces Skyr Tykke
  • 1 Cup water
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream (In meals like this I prefer to count the loving smiles at my table not the calories)
  • 1 Cup Stone Ground Yellow Grits
  • 2 tsp salt


  1. In a 6 quart pan bring water, milk & heavy cream to a boil
  2. Add salt & grits stirring often you don’t want to scorch you milk
  3. As the grits thicken up  about 10 min stir in remaining ingredients stirring often. Cook for another 5 minutes or until grits are tender.
  4. Serve under London broil &  Pepper, Mushrooms, & Onions Mixture.


Pork Buns a Filipino Street Food

Boston Butt is porks most versatile cut. BBQ, roasted, sliced then grilled, soup parts or stew there are many things to do with a Boston Butt. Pork Buns are labor intensive so grab your children, spouse, neighbor etc for some fun help.  Whether tailgating or heading to a picnic this meat is perfect as it is self-contained.  This recipe makes about 24 pork buns. Boston butts sell for $7.50lb in the NCF store. You could easily get 2-3 meals out of a single one.  We made 16 pork buns with plenty of tasty pork leftover for sandwiches. Pork buns also freeze & reheat well.


My dutch oven is my kitchen workhorse along side my trusty 8 inch santoku knife. Found easily at any store a dutch oven is an essential. Mine came from a big members only warehouse about 5 yrs ago for around $35. It is used at least 3-4 times a week.  If you don’t have one get one. You can get a plain cast iron dutch oven, or you can get one that is enameled if maintaining cast iron worries you (it shouldn’t!). If you ever move and can only take one pan, take your dutch oven.


Pork Buns

  • 2-3 cans of buttermilk biscuit dough
  • 3 lb Boston Butt
  • 3 inches of fresh ginger root
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 4 cloves of fresh garlic
  • Salt &Pepper
  1. PreHeat oven to 280 F
  2. With a microplane, grate ginger, carrots, onion, & garlic. *This can also be done in a food processor or Ninja if you do not have a microplane. Do Not Liquify these ingredients though.
  3. Salt and pepper Boston Butt
  4. Place Boston Butt fat side up in Dutch oven. Cover Butt with grated mixture, place lid on and place in oven for 4 hours. We’re giving the butt an extra hour so that it is shreddable.
  5. After 4 hours remove from oven and let rest for 20 minutes.
  6. Shred and mix in the grated mixture leaving the juices in the bottom of the pan.
  7. Flatten biscuit dough out
  8. Place 1/4 cup of pork mixture in each bun then seal the dough
  9. Steam for 20 minutes or bake following the biscuit dough instruction. (I prefer steamed)


Dipping Sauce

  • 1 nectarine, peach or plum (truthfully any ripened stone fruit with taste great)
  • 1/4 cup Sweet Chili Sauce
  • 2 tsp Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar (apple cider vinegar will work)
  • The pork drippings from the bottom of the dutch oven.
  1. Reusing the dutch oven with the drippings in it remove as much fat as you can.
  2. Peel fruit and chop.
  3. Add in soy sauce, vinegar, & fruit
  4. Heat over med/lo heat until sauce is bubbling then cook until fruit is cooked through about 5 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and blend.
  6. Serve with Pork Buns




Arroz Con Pollo

My family has only been in NC for 2 years. We moved here from Orlando, FL in March of 2014. I miss my friends, my family, and not much else except for food. Cuban food to be exact! While in Florida, Cuban food became a mainstay not only in my house but also for my clients. We all loved it.

My favorite Cuban Restaurant was The Columbia. When we left Florida our last meal was from there. My first trip back I grabbed their family cookbook & history. Every time we visit ¾ of the meals we eat come from there. Seriously it is great food.   My recipe today is based off of The Columbia’s  Arroz Con Pollo which if you heard me pronounce it sounds nothing like how it should be pronounced. The difference is in the marinade.

The ingredients from the NCF store in this recipe are Chorizo $8.00lb & Chicken Leg Quarters $5.00 lb. In each pack of Chorizo is typically 4 links. The Chicken Leg Quarters are from Brittany Ridge Farm and are typically packaged 2 per pack.  The total cost for this family meal was a bit high at  around $22 for all for the ingredients.  I still have ingredients left over though for another meal down the road.

Arroz con Pollo

  • 3 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • ¼ cup White Wine Vinegar
  • 1 TBSP Oregano
  • 4 Cloves of Garlic minced
  • 1 Red Onion chopped
  • 2 Red Peppers julienned (sliced in thin vertical strips)
  • 4 Chicken Quarters
  • 2 Links of NCF Chorizo casing removed
  • 4 Cups Chicken Broth
  • 2 Cup Rice
  • 1 Seeded Tomato Chopped
  • 1 C frozen peas (optional)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Combine EVOO, Vinegar, Oregano, Garlic & Chicken Quarters in a Ziplock bag. Mix well thoroughly coating chicken, then place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  2. Removed marinated chicken from fridge 1 hour before cooking
  3. Heat 6 quart lidded pan over med heat (I use my dutch oven). Add oil. 
  4. Remove chicken from bag set aside, add marinade to pan
  5. Salt & Pepper marinated Chicken
  6. Once oil in pan is glistening place Chicken & marinade in hot pan
  7. While chicken is cooking add the onions
  8. Flip Chicken after it releases from pan(about 6-7 min) add Chorizo breaking it up
  9. Cook Chorizo till browned, then add the broth, bring to a boil
  10. Stir in rice, cover with lid, lower burner temp to low
  11. Salt and Pepper broth
  12. After 15 minutes add peppers, peas and return lid to the pan
  13. When rice is tender about 5 minutes later remove from heat
  14. Serve Chicken on rice


Note-I have served this dish with mushrooms. If using mushrooms add them when you add in the onions. While I love mushroom, there is one in my house that does not. (There’s always one!)

Jammin’ Chicken

Jam, is it sitting in your fridge doing nothing? Is it only making an appearance at breakfast or on a noontime pbj? Well ladies and gentlemen let me introduce jam for dinner.  Triple Berry Jam is the primary ingredient in this sauce it is from Buck Naked Farm at $8 a jar sold in the NCF Store.



At the NCF store the chicken is provided through Brittany Ridge Farms The Split Chicken Breast run $10 lb.  They typically come 2 to a pack.  With the kids we usually split a breast between them. the skin however is always fought over.


Jammin Sauce

  • 1 Jar Buck Naked Farm Triple Crown Jam
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne (optional)
  1.  Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil on med. heat
  2. Boil until syrupy and coats the back of a spoon.
  3. Remove from heat to cool

Jammin Chicken

  • 4 split chicken breast
  • salt & pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425F
  2. Bring chicken up to room temperature about 1 hour on the counter.
  3. Dry off with a paper towel, salt and pepper chicken
  4. On a sheet pan place a cooling rack
  5. On rack place rosemary sprigs
  6. Place chicken on rosemary & place in oven 45 min to 1 hr until meat thermometer reaches 160F
  7. Once the chicken reaches 160  glaze chicken with Jammin Sauce
  8. Place chicken in oven for 5 minutes
  9. Let rest for 5-7 minutes and serve.


Beef Stroganoff over Egg Noodles

There has been a bag of Amish Noodles staring at me from the pantry for a month. In July,  my daughter and I traveled to my home state of Missouri, the northwestern corner of the state up by Kansas, where Mennonite & Amish Markets abound. There I bought a bulk bag of Egg Noodles with dreams of Beef Stroganoff.

Beef for Stew, cut into bite sized goodness

One of our big sellers is Beef for Stew.  I use it for many things soups, stews, kebabs, etc.   This meal is larger, feeding up to 8 people (Or my just my ravenous bunch of kids – Editor/Farmer).

Boneless Beef for stew runs $8.99 per pound with all of the ingredients listed you’ll have dinner for roughly $12-$15. If you want to jazz it up a bit use one of our Sirloin Steaks at $14.99 lb, thinly sliced with the fat removed.

Beef Stroganoff

  • 1 lb NCF Beef for stew
  • 2 tbsp Butter (extra virgin olive oil can be substituted)
  • 1 med yellow onion sliced thinly
  • 3 cloves of garlic  minced
  • 8 oz Cremini mushrooms


  • 1 cup beef broth (low sodium or no salt)
  • 1 cup Guinness  beer or  1 cup Pinot Noir (if you prefer no alcohol double the beef broth)
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup fresh peas *optional
  • salt & pepper to taste
  1. The Beef for Stew chunks are rather large. The first step is to cut them down to bite size removing any left over silver skin, season with salt and pepper.
  2. Melt the butter in a large deep casserole or dutch oven over med heat.
  3. Once the butter has melted add in the onions & mushrooms lightly salt, cook until the onions are translucent with a bit of browning showing.
  4.  Add seasoned beef and cook till browned.
  5. Toss in the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  6. Next up add the broth, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard and the beer.
  7. Lower the heat to med low.
  8. Place lid on and simmer for 45 min to 1 hour stirring frequently if the  liquid is greatly reduced add a bit more broth.
  9. If  adding in peas do so now, let cook for 4 minutes.
  10. Add in sour cream
  11. Taste adjust salt and pepper.
  12. Serve over warm egg noodles.


Noodle Prep

  • 2 cups Extra Wide Egg Noodles
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Butter
  1. Prepare Egg Noodles per instruction on bag.
  2. Drain
  3. Finish with butter and Nutmeg


Short ribs with asian flavor

Flavors from Asia,  they’re complex by nature. You bite in and instantly go “How did they do this”?  Umami is a word in Asian Cuisine used to describe the savory taste.  Short ribs have a bounty of Umami.

The ribs come in packs ranging from 1 lb- 2 lbs at $8.99 a lbs.   With ribs you want 1 lbs per person due to the removal of bone.  While this recipe is for 5 lbs I typically use 2-3 lbs of the ribs.  When doing this freeze part of your unused marinade for later use.


The secret to short ribs is the cooking time.  Once again we are going to using that trusty dutch oven and set the oven at 280F.  The length of time will vary on the density of meat, towards the end check every 30 minutes.  You’re not just checking for fall off the bone you also want the connective tissue broken down enough to bite through easily.

 Short Ribs with Asian Flavor

  • 1 large Fuji apple
  • 1 large Asian pear
  • 1 ¼ cup soy sauce
  •  ¾ cup sugar
  •  1 red onion, roughly chopped
  •  4 green onions, chopped (optional)
  • 1 tbsp ginger, grated
  • 3 tbsp sesame seeds (optional)
  • ¼ cup sesame oil
  • 5 lbs Short ribs
  • Enough water to cover ribs
  • Green Onions, chopped (garnish)


Cooking Method

  1. Preheat oven to 280F
  2.  For the marinade: Grate garlic, ginger, apple and pear into a large bowl, making sure to catch all of their juices.
  3. Add the soy sauce, sugar, onions,  sesame seeds, and sesame oil, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Place short ribs to the bowl, use tongs to ensure all of the ribs are coated with the marinade.
  5.  Refrigerate the meat & marinade for at least 12-24 hours before cooking. (The longer you marinate the meat, the better it flavor!)
  6. Remove from refrigerator 1 hour before cooking.
  7. In a Dutch oven place ribs & 1-2 cups of the marinade. Place in oven with the lid on 280 until tender 6-7 hrs.
  8. Remove and let sit for 10 minutes before removing ribs and breaking down the meat.
  9. While the meat cooks simmer the remaining marinade till syrupy & pour over finished ribs or serve beside them.
  10. Serve over rice or steamed vegetables.
If you prefer fine dining break down the ribs after braising. The other option is the ever popular caveman style.

Chimichurri Burger

Chimichurri Burger
Chimichurri  and Provolone Burger

Chimichurri is a magical sauce that comes from Argentina.  It is a beautiful compliment to all things beef and pork.  It’s primarily made with parsley, garlic, oregano, cracked red pepper flakes and olive oil for strong and simple flavors.  I used it in this recipe to take this burger to the next level.

What you need

For the Chimichurri Sauce:

  • 1 cup fresh parsley washed and dried
  • 5-6 medium cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of dried oregano
  • 1/2 extra virgin oil
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes

For the burgers:

  • 1 pound of Ninja Cow ground beef and 1 pound of Ninja Cow ground pork (alternatively, 2 pounds of ground beef)
  • salt and pepper
  • Crusty bread slices or sourdough for the buns
  • 6 slices of thick cut provolone cheese approximately 1/4 inch thick.  You can get these cut thick at any grocery store deli

What you do

For the Chimichurri Sauce:

  1. Place the sauce ingredients in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.  Use a silicone spatula to scrape the contents down the sides of the food processor as necessary.  Cover and refrigerate.

For the burgers:

  1. Gently mix the ground beef and pork being careful not to over compact the meat, which will result in a less juicy burger.  Gently form 6 patties with the two pounds of meat.
  2. Generously salt and pepper the outside of the burger (no need to mix seasoning into this burger as that can also reduce the juiciest of the burger.  Trust me, this delicious morsel will have plenty of flavor).
  3. Cook in a cast iron skillet with a little olive oil over medium-high heat.  Wait until the cast iron is lightly smoking with the olive oil.  Cook for approximately 5 minutes (120F for rare and 135F for medium) and allow to rest on a plate for 5 additional minutes.  Allowing the burgers to rest is key to assuring a juicy burger.
  4. Meanwhile, toast your bread under the broiler in your oven.
  5. Clean your cast iron with a paper towel and reheat until lightly smoking. Using a metal spatula, brown the provolone 2 slices at a time for approximately 20-30 second on each side until the cheese browns and starts to melt. Don’t worry if this gets a little messy.  It adds to the experience.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Left over Chimichurri?  Use it tomorrow with Ninja Cow steaks or pork chops.  Bon appetit!

Boursin Spatchcock Chicken

Boursin Spatchcock Chicken
Boursin Spatchcock Chicken

The whole chickens at Ninja Cow Farm are absolutely delicious.  Everyone knows how to do a beer can chicken, so I wanted to share another way to prepare these delicious birds.  Spatchcock chicken is a style of preparing birds to be roasted in the oven.  It’s a very simple technique that takes 5 minutes to prepare and it drastically reduces the time it takes to roast a full bird.  In essence, you use kitchen shears to remove the spine and lay the bird flat.  Here is a quick youtube video showing exactly how to perform this technique:

What do you need

  • One whole chicken from Ninja Cow
  • 5 oz of Boursin cheese garlic and herb spread
  • Salt and Pepper

What you do

  1. Spatchcock the bird by removing the spine using the technique above with kitchen shears.
  2. Separate the skin using your fingers along the top of the breasts and along the sides by the thighs.  Carefully work the Boursin spread under the skin from the top of the breasts and along both thighs.  Simply use your fingers to massage the Boursin under the skin until that bad boy is loaded up.
  3. Dry the skin on the outside.  Add salt and pepper.  Feel free to spread any remaining Boursin on the outside of the skin.
  4. Place the bird on a wire rack on top of a baking sheet to keep it from sitting in its juices.  This will ensure you get crispy skin, which everyone loves!
  5. Roast at 425 for 15 minutes in the middle of the oven and then drop to 350 until the bird reaches an internal temperature is 165 (approximately additional 40 minutes for a 3.5 pound bird).

Tip–the skin of my bird was crisping up quicker than the internal temp  was approaching 165.  If this happens, cover the bird with an aluminum foil tent, which will slow the crisping of the skin and allow the IT to reach 165.

Now enjoy this delicious and flavorful meal with your family!


Brisket Tostadas

The NCF Store recently started carrying a smaller sized brisket. Instead of 7-8lbs the new cut is more manageable for a family at 2 ½ to 4 lbs. This meal fed 2 families, 5 children and 5 adults for under $70. That’s a big crowd when you realize the kids are hitting peak growth and hunger ages. Yesterday, was a typically busy house day. It’s the beginning of the homeschooling year, creating a bit of chaos.

I started watch Big Bang Theory years ago, since then I’ve wanted to make Howard’s Mother’s Brisket. It always appears to be one of those sought after items and much discussed. At 11 a.m. I realized, “Oh no the brisket isn’t in the oven yet. Is it too late?” Usually when I smoke a brisket, I like to keep it at 225 F for 12 hours. This however, was going to be served at 6 pm. OOPS!. As I seasoned the roast I discovered I was out of garlic powder. My mise en place was non-existent. I did what any good cook does and turned up the heat, changed the recipe and crossed my fingers.

In the afternoon, I met up with Erin (our neighbor & NCF’s milker) and run a chicken errand. When Erin and I walked in the door at 5:30pm; Bam the smell hit us. Something amazing had happened while we’d been out, the garlic powder missing was a great accident. Erin was planning to make tostadas for dinner and we both thought the kids would love to have dinner together and pulled beef brisket tostadas just sound AMAZING. I must admit they tasted even better, especially since Erin pampered us with fresh fried tostada shells.

Sorry, there aren’t a ton of pictures of the process as I did not plan on blogging this due to my loss of time management. It is too good not to share though.


Savory Brisket

  • 1 3-4 lb beef brisket
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 2 med. yellow onions sliced thinly
  • 2 heads of garlic cut in ½
  • ½ cup Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 cup high quality no salt beef broth
  1. Pre-heat oven to 285 F
  2. After bringing the roast up to room temperature season both sides with salt pepper and onion powder.
  3. Place in Dutch Oven fat side up with a firm lid ( If no dutch oven is available use an oven safe deep skillet with tight fitting lid.) Or yes a crock pot on the high (about 250F) and be prepared to wait an extra hour or 2.
  4. Lay garlic & onions across the top and sides of the brisket evenly
  5. Pour Worcestershire Sauce over the top of the roast
  6. Pour beef broth on the sides of the roast.
  7. Place lid & place in the oven for 6.5 hours
  8. Once the brisket can be pulled apart gently with a fork remove and rest for 15 minutes before pulling apart completely. Serve warm

As for the tostadas fill that puppy up anyway you like. We topped the shell with refried beans, brisket, onions, lettuce, cheese and fresh tomatoes.

No side dishes needed here, Tostadas are a full meal.

For another application serve it as a pulled apart roast. Remove the fat off the top of the sauce with a turkey baster, remove the garlic & onion, reduce and serve in its own dish. In my house folks a picky about the amount of sauce they use.

Lamb Sliders with Chevre Cream

Ninja Cow Farm is now carrying a wide arrange of lamb products from High Rock Farm and Thistledown Farm. Dan goes to great lengths to search out small farms that meet his standards. He wants clients to get the best flavor of ethically raised, local meat possible.

Imagine tasty lamb as a burger, now as a fancy cheeseburger. This is  a meal to impress friends. The grand total for it should ring in under $25 for 4.  I served this decadent slider with  a small simple salad and vinaigrette.  A great way to introduce your kids to a more complex flavor palate without spending $75 at a nice restaurant that serves lamb.


In this recipe, I’m going to teach you how to make Chevre into a condiment called crema.  It is a simple way to use a semi-soft cheese, turning it into a spread.


Chevre Cream

  • 1 small log of Celebrity Dairy Chevre
  • 1/4 cup Simply Natural Dairy Heavy Cream
  1. Slice all rind off of the chevre log.                                                                     * While some prefer the flavor of rind I’m not a fan. It is not so friendly when melting down into a sauce.
  2. Crumble or cut Chevre into small pieces we want this to melt into the cream quickly.
  3. Using a heavy bottomed pan heat cream over a lo-med heat. Stir often as the fat & sugar content will cause cream to scorch quickly.
  4. When cream is beginning to steam whisk chevre into cream. Whisk until smooth. Remove from heat, serve warm.


Lamb Slider

  • 1 lb of Ground lamb from the NCF store
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Bring lamb up to room temperature by setting on counter for 1 hour before cooking.
  2. Separate into 2 ounce patties. Yes they are small but with the bun and added ingredients it will be filling. Theses are sliders.
  3. Season meat 5 minutes before frying.
  4. Warm cast iron pan on med-hi heat, let this heat thoroughly, you want to get a nice crust on the lamb patty.
  5. Add seasoned lamb patties to hot pan, after 2 minutes check to see if the release easily and flip. If they don’t  wait 45 seconds and try again.
  6. Remove from heat let rest for 3 minutes. Place on bun & dress to your liking.

These are rich flavors, the best way to not be overwhelmed by them is to add a bit of acid. To do that I added pickled red onion and a garden fresh tomato slice.  Ru & my brother added ketchup to theirs. My husband (the short bearded man spotted periodically on the farm) added mustard to his. Lots of ways to dress a slider and none of them are wrong.

For dessert I highly recommend Celebrity Dairy’s Ginger Goat’s  Milk Gelato.
