Hog class pics 6.0

NCPSC0074A tour of the smoke house.NCPSC0076

Intern Brian sharing how he managed the process of salting and smoking the hams this year. NCPSC0079

Intern John getting a fire going in the smoke house to demonstrate how we utilize the smoker. NCPSC0082

Our duck, looking on at all the strangers she doesn’t know.


Hog class pics 5.0

NCPSC0056Showing the walk in cooler that we built.

NCPSC0058Demonstrating how hard it is to separate pigs just by unassisted methods. Hint, it doesn’t work. NCPSC0059

Intern John taking a break after a couple of laps with the pigs. We were getting the pig boards at this moment so he’s not slacking. NCPSC0060Intern Brian and I, now working the pigs with our home-made pig boards. The difference in working the pigs was dramatic.


Pics from hog class 4.0

NCPSC0041In addition to the hog killing itself, Brent Miller came and taught cooking and prep for various traditional killing day fare. The pate was yummy!NCPSC0042

The walking tour. This is where we made it over to the cows and discussed cattle management and pasture rotation.

NCPSC0045Owen, one of the ninja babies, came up to see what we were doing.

NCPSC0048One of our roosters, keeping an eye on everyone.NCPSC0047