Results from day one and getting ready for day two


Our first day, of our first CFSA Eastern Triangle farm tour went off pretty much perfectly. We are prepping for day 2 today, which starts at 1pm. More info on today’s plans at the bottom of this post.

We had a steady flow of people from about 12:30 when staff started showing till 5:30 when random people were driving up asking what was going on. In total, we had 124 people come through the gate, not counting our regular customers who came just to shop. We also had Roland and Marianna, both celebrities from CFSA who came to check us out and see how the newbies were doing. It was good to see the brass out checking on the tour.

I actually sold some passes to the tour Saturday morning, not knowing exactly how to do it. “It’s easier to get forgiveness than permission” being my mantra. My other one is, “Get the money, then figure it out.” We ended up $5 short at the end of the day in the money count so I guess it was close enough for the girls we date. Better than telling two people no and not getting anything!

We had a full force showing of folks on the farm. Lucy (the chef) and Jason (Abe Froman, nobody has guessed where that comes from yet) were here, along with Erin (our milk maid), SWMBO, Gran SWMBO, Spork, The Princess, Wildflower, and Rutabega (Lucy’s daughter).

Jennifer from Buck Naked farm explaining about bees
Jennifer from Buck Naked farm explaining about bees

Jennifer from Buck Naked Farm was here and she was swamped all day with people talking about bees, honey, etc. I don’t think she ever sat down.

Jennifer did a great job with the kids
Jennifer did a great job with the kids

We also had Steven parking cars and even Miguel and Vicente came over and spent some time. Miguel was the surprise hit of the day as he went and grabbed one of the new piglets away from the 650 pound angry momma and brought him over to hang out.2016-09-17_202553426_3dd3c_ios

Little girl holding a piglet
Holding the piglet was a highlight of the day


Erin's milking display stand
Erin’s milking display stand

We had good weather and good shade, for everyone except Erin. That poor girl had to go chase down the milk cows multiple times and work in the sun. Whenever she could she hid in the shade.

Abe working on his sausages, while Erin cools it in the shade for a few minutes
Abe working on his sausages, while Erin cools it in the shade for a few minutes

I found out that the tour is $35 dollars for all the farms, but only $10 for the farm you are standing at. Our normal tour cost is $20 so if you haven’t been in a while, or maybe not at all, today is the day for you. You can take a tour for 1/2 price and see the extras we have out for this special event. The weather is gorgeous today, sunny and warm. We still have ice cream left, as well as chocolate milk. And of course plenty of meat. Stop by and see us between 1 and 5 today. You can pay your $10 when you get here so no planning needed.

Jammin’ Chicken

Jam, is it sitting in your fridge doing nothing? Is it only making an appearance at breakfast or on a noontime pbj? Well ladies and gentlemen let me introduce jam for dinner.  Triple Berry Jam is the primary ingredient in this sauce it is from Buck Naked Farm at $8 a jar sold in the NCF Store.



At the NCF store the chicken is provided through Brittany Ridge Farms The Split Chicken Breast run $10 lb.  They typically come 2 to a pack.  With the kids we usually split a breast between them. the skin however is always fought over.


Jammin Sauce

  • 1 Jar Buck Naked Farm Triple Crown Jam
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne (optional)
  1.  Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil on med. heat
  2. Boil until syrupy and coats the back of a spoon.
  3. Remove from heat to cool

Jammin Chicken

  • 4 split chicken breast
  • salt & pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425F
  2. Bring chicken up to room temperature about 1 hour on the counter.
  3. Dry off with a paper towel, salt and pepper chicken
  4. On a sheet pan place a cooling rack
  5. On rack place rosemary sprigs
  6. Place chicken on rosemary & place in oven 45 min to 1 hr until meat thermometer reaches 160F
  7. Once the chicken reaches 160  glaze chicken with Jammin Sauce
  8. Place chicken in oven for 5 minutes
  9. Let rest for 5-7 minutes and serve.
