Applepalooza. 7 1/2 bushels of apples turned into various products.

This weekend we finished the season with one of our farm vendors who was down to the last of his apples. A few negotiations back and forth and we agreed I would take the last of his stock, 7 1/2 bushels of apples, all varieties.

7 1/2 bushels of apples
7 1/2 bushels of apples

So what in the world do you do with 7 1/2 bushels? Why you open a bottle of wine and fire up the grill. Then you invite all of your friends and neighbors over and you have an apple peeling party complete with authentic ninja pig on the grill cooked by jet setting grill superstar Bar-B-Jew.

Panoramic shot of the kitchen in full on apple mode.
Panoramic shot of the kitchen in full on apple mode.

Here you can see the kitchen in full production. Wine glasses, apple peels, the football game on, the grill going just outside, and everybody working till bed time.
The results of about 3-4 hours of work. 21 quarts of apple sauce, plus another 14 gallons of wine in the fermenter. That left us with ONLY 3 bushels of apples (minus the bushel we made the Goldbergs take).

First few batches of canned apple sauce
First few batches of canned apple sauce

Today SWMBO worked diligently between school and laundry and got another bushel ready for apple sauce plus reduced another 6 quarts of apple sauce so it would be ready for me to can tonight. She has been a trooper with all these apples.
Btw, apples and grilled pork are a perfect match.

Pasture raised, non GMO pork chops, home made apple sauce, and broccoli.
Pasture raised, non GMO pork chops, home made apple sauce, and broccoli.

Last batch of canning


13 quarts of spaghetti sauce is our last hurrah of canning for the summer unless we decide to can some beans.

We may have some tomatoes that sneak in before the season ends but they will probably end up as salsa.

With the previous 20 quarts that gives us 33 quarts put away this summer. Since mom and dad are on Atkins, that’s an awful lot of sauce and should last us well into next summer.