New in the Store

Great news after much demand we are now carrying two new items in our store.

Beef Tallow

1/2 Pint- $7

Pint – $10

Quart- $15


1/2 Pint- $7

Pint – $10

Quart- $15

Our New Store Hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2-6 pm & Saturday from 9-5. On Saturdays we offer free group walking tours. Please go visit to schedule your tour today.

Pieces & Parts & Goats Milk

Boston butt pork steaks

Dog, cats, ferrets &  Soap Crafters, what do they all have in common?


Dan surprised Jeanette & I today with our special request for

Tails,  Fat Back( what you use for lard), Liver, Heart , & Feet are now all in stock in .


Tails- $4.50 per pound- Not only a great for pets but also great for stews and veggies.

Fat Back  $4 per pound if you want lard or to make your own soap this fat is gold.

Liver-$4  per pound liverwurst, Scrapple or liver pudding you know you want to make your own this summer to go with all those fresh garden veggies. We have a few books in the store to steal some recipes out of for these dishes

Heart- $2.99  per pound great for adventurous eaters (slice and cook like a steak) or for pets

Feet- $2.50 per pound.  These are my secret ingredient to so many dishes. I smoke them then add them to beans, collards and pork bone broth. Oh yes, pork broth should be its own magical food group.

Ears-$4 per pound. Not just a great dog treat, these are also my favorite bar food.  I braise these till tender (280 F in a dutch oven for 2 hours) then slice and fry.

Neck Bone-$4 per pound try a new flavor of  bone broth. If you love beans this will add an extra depth of flavor to them.

Finally Raw Goats Milk ($5 per 1/2 gallon) is back in the store on Fridays and Saturdays. The supply will be limited. Please let Lucy know by Monday if you need an order. Several of the area veterinarians in the area have suggested this for orphaned pets or pets going through medical issues such as Chemo or on raw food diets. Please check with your own veterinarians to see if this is right for you.


Whole Duck Now Available

Lucy here on the actual non- recipe part of the blog. We’re still having some internet issues here on the farm.   The store is open tomorrow 2-6 p.m. & Satuday from 8-5.  Erin & Crystal will be running the store while Dan gives tours. SWMBO & I will be off picking up our kiddos and hosing them down after a full week of sleep away camp.

Ninja Cow Farm has a  wonderful new product in stock. DUCK!!! Seriously, we now have Duck thanks to Blue Whistler Farm over in Bahama, NC.  Blue Whistler is a wife and husband owned 5 acre farm. It may not seem like much land, they work it and are producing some great products.

Last year I was introduced to Amy at Blue Whistler Farm. I followed her for a while,  light facebook stalking in truth. What drew me to her was the amount she loved and cared for her animals while they were on the farm. How she is able to provide with love and care yet realize this is a business and you must follow the rules of it to be successful.

Look at those happy faces!

She has tried several animals on her 5 acre farm.  Amy shares her triumphs and successes along the way. Now we can share her ducks with you. Blue Whistler Ducks are pastured raised, while receiving conventional feed rations.

As you can see though they stay in the pasture not in a closed in cage on a factory farm.  Amy is hoping this winter to bring us Duck by the cut as well. Blue Whistler ducks are currently sold whole in our store for $8.45lb. Drop by and see us for a new flavor on your table.

Overall results from the CFSA farm tour

It’s now Wednesday and we are finally getting over the farm tour from last weekend. Not because it was any problem, but because I still don’t have everything put away (Sorry Lucy! I’ll get your chairs and tables back as soon as it stops raining!)

At the end of the weekend, we’d hosted over 200 people through our farm. Nearly everyone received a personal tour from SWMBO or Spork.


Overall it seems that the reaction to our farm was positive and people seemed to enjoy themselves. We didn’t have any kind of formal feedback mechanism so all I can judge by is the comments from people I talked to personally, which I tried to do as much as possible.

We had a bit of a crisis Sunday afternoon as Jennifer from Buck Naked got hung up at her farm and was running late. And our guys we hired to park cars also showed late. Of course all the customers were right on time quickly filling up the parking spaces. Couple that with the fact we were all moving a bit slow that day due to the previous nights festivities and there were a few minutes of excitement. Luckily everyone was so good at what they did that I was pretty much free to step in and handle it till everyone was in place.


On Saturday Miguel had brought one of the baby pigs out for everyone to hold and pet.

Gran SWMBO with her baby pig
Gran SWMBO with her baby pig

On Sunday Gran-SWMBO came out to fill in for him and hold the piglet. Grandma is the master at holding baby piglets so she was the perfect person for the job. Unfortunately our baby piglet was not too pleased and peed all over her. I felt bad for her but she shrugged it off and made sure everyone was happy. There is nothing better than having a grandma around. 20160917_125848

Abe Froman was on hand again cooking all day. I don’t know how many packs of sausage he went through, but everyone got all the samples they wanted, the help was able to scarf everything they wanted at the end, and we still had sausage left over so he did an awesome job.


I think our best seller of the weekend was ice cream, but we did sell a bit of meat. The real question is how many people will come back and shop now that they know we are here. We’ll see over the next few weeks but overall we had a bit time on the tour and we are looking forward to next year.

Results from day one and getting ready for day two


Our first day, of our first CFSA Eastern Triangle farm tour went off pretty much perfectly. We are prepping for day 2 today, which starts at 1pm. More info on today’s plans at the bottom of this post.

We had a steady flow of people from about 12:30 when staff started showing till 5:30 when random people were driving up asking what was going on. In total, we had 124 people come through the gate, not counting our regular customers who came just to shop. We also had Roland and Marianna, both celebrities from CFSA who came to check us out and see how the newbies were doing. It was good to see the brass out checking on the tour.

I actually sold some passes to the tour Saturday morning, not knowing exactly how to do it. “It’s easier to get forgiveness than permission” being my mantra. My other one is, “Get the money, then figure it out.” We ended up $5 short at the end of the day in the money count so I guess it was close enough for the girls we date. Better than telling two people no and not getting anything!

We had a full force showing of folks on the farm. Lucy (the chef) and Jason (Abe Froman, nobody has guessed where that comes from yet) were here, along with Erin (our milk maid), SWMBO, Gran SWMBO, Spork, The Princess, Wildflower, and Rutabega (Lucy’s daughter).

Jennifer from Buck Naked farm explaining about bees
Jennifer from Buck Naked farm explaining about bees

Jennifer from Buck Naked Farm was here and she was swamped all day with people talking about bees, honey, etc. I don’t think she ever sat down.

Jennifer did a great job with the kids
Jennifer did a great job with the kids

We also had Steven parking cars and even Miguel and Vicente came over and spent some time. Miguel was the surprise hit of the day as he went and grabbed one of the new piglets away from the 650 pound angry momma and brought him over to hang out.2016-09-17_202553426_3dd3c_ios

Little girl holding a piglet
Holding the piglet was a highlight of the day


Erin's milking display stand
Erin’s milking display stand

We had good weather and good shade, for everyone except Erin. That poor girl had to go chase down the milk cows multiple times and work in the sun. Whenever she could she hid in the shade.

Abe working on his sausages, while Erin cools it in the shade for a few minutes
Abe working on his sausages, while Erin cools it in the shade for a few minutes

I found out that the tour is $35 dollars for all the farms, but only $10 for the farm you are standing at. Our normal tour cost is $20 so if you haven’t been in a while, or maybe not at all, today is the day for you. You can take a tour for 1/2 price and see the extras we have out for this special event. The weather is gorgeous today, sunny and warm. We still have ice cream left, as well as chocolate milk. And of course plenty of meat. Stop by and see us between 1 and 5 today. You can pay your $10 when you get here so no planning needed.

Jammin’ Chicken

Jam, is it sitting in your fridge doing nothing? Is it only making an appearance at breakfast or on a noontime pbj? Well ladies and gentlemen let me introduce jam for dinner.  Triple Berry Jam is the primary ingredient in this sauce it is from Buck Naked Farm at $8 a jar sold in the NCF Store.



At the NCF store the chicken is provided through Brittany Ridge Farms The Split Chicken Breast run $10 lb.  They typically come 2 to a pack.  With the kids we usually split a breast between them. the skin however is always fought over.


Jammin Sauce

  • 1 Jar Buck Naked Farm Triple Crown Jam
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne (optional)
  1.  Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil on med. heat
  2. Boil until syrupy and coats the back of a spoon.
  3. Remove from heat to cool

Jammin Chicken

  • 4 split chicken breast
  • salt & pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425F
  2. Bring chicken up to room temperature about 1 hour on the counter.
  3. Dry off with a paper towel, salt and pepper chicken
  4. On a sheet pan place a cooling rack
  5. On rack place rosemary sprigs
  6. Place chicken on rosemary & place in oven 45 min to 1 hr until meat thermometer reaches 160F
  7. Once the chicken reaches 160  glaze chicken with Jammin Sauce
  8. Place chicken in oven for 5 minutes
  9. Let rest for 5-7 minutes and serve.


Lamb Sliders with Chevre Cream

Ninja Cow Farm is now carrying a wide arrange of lamb products from High Rock Farm and Thistledown Farm. Dan goes to great lengths to search out small farms that meet his standards. He wants clients to get the best flavor of ethically raised, local meat possible.

Imagine tasty lamb as a burger, now as a fancy cheeseburger. This is  a meal to impress friends. The grand total for it should ring in under $25 for 4.  I served this decadent slider with  a small simple salad and vinaigrette.  A great way to introduce your kids to a more complex flavor palate without spending $75 at a nice restaurant that serves lamb.


In this recipe, I’m going to teach you how to make Chevre into a condiment called crema.  It is a simple way to use a semi-soft cheese, turning it into a spread.


Chevre Cream

  • 1 small log of Celebrity Dairy Chevre
  • 1/4 cup Simply Natural Dairy Heavy Cream
  1. Slice all rind off of the chevre log.                                                                     * While some prefer the flavor of rind I’m not a fan. It is not so friendly when melting down into a sauce.
  2. Crumble or cut Chevre into small pieces we want this to melt into the cream quickly.
  3. Using a heavy bottomed pan heat cream over a lo-med heat. Stir often as the fat & sugar content will cause cream to scorch quickly.
  4. When cream is beginning to steam whisk chevre into cream. Whisk until smooth. Remove from heat, serve warm.


Lamb Slider

  • 1 lb of Ground lamb from the NCF store
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Bring lamb up to room temperature by setting on counter for 1 hour before cooking.
  2. Separate into 2 ounce patties. Yes they are small but with the bun and added ingredients it will be filling. Theses are sliders.
  3. Season meat 5 minutes before frying.
  4. Warm cast iron pan on med-hi heat, let this heat thoroughly, you want to get a nice crust on the lamb patty.
  5. Add seasoned lamb patties to hot pan, after 2 minutes check to see if the release easily and flip. If they don’t  wait 45 seconds and try again.
  6. Remove from heat let rest for 3 minutes. Place on bun & dress to your liking.

These are rich flavors, the best way to not be overwhelmed by them is to add a bit of acid. To do that I added pickled red onion and a garden fresh tomato slice.  Ru & my brother added ketchup to theirs. My husband (the short bearded man spotted periodically on the farm) added mustard to his. Lots of ways to dress a slider and none of them are wrong.

For dessert I highly recommend Celebrity Dairy’s Ginger Goat’s  Milk Gelato.
