Another new product in the store, Yo Momma’s Style

I cannot tell you how happy I am to announce that Yo Momma’s Style products are in our store.

No, not because they are good. I mean, they are good. And unique. The rubs have a really good flavor and the variety and choices mean you can pretty much make whatever you want. Chicken, beef, pork, whatever. And having the Colorado influence is really cool because we get some flavors we aren’t used to in NC, things like green chilis. The jams are great, with flavors not like your regular super sweet boring old jams.

And no, not because Yo Momma’s Style is now officially the closest place to us, even to our leased farms that we operate that are only 5 minutes away. Yo Momma is almost across the street, in Eagle Ridge. Yep, these products are not just home made, they are HOME made. As in they are in an approved and certified home based kitchen, just down the street from us, being made one at a time with love and care. It doesn’t get much more local than that.

No the reason that I’m so happy to announce this new product is that we are FINALLY through our two month long taste testing extravaganza. You know how you wish you could get a job playing video games, or being a wine taster, or flying fighter jets. And then you talk to someone who does it and you find out it’s actually work, like a real job. Better than screwing toothpaste caps on in a factory but still a job. That’s what being a taste tester is. It was super cool! But I put on 10 pounds doing it and had to eat 3-4 dinners per night, all cooked as test batches. The kids were groaning when dinner was served these last few weeks. But that part is over, at least for now.

So this morning, I’m down 4 pounds and we have new product in the store with more on the way. Now it’s time to transition to rolling out these products to you so that you can enjoy the fruits of our labor. When all was said and done, I’d say we had 200 vendors to choose from. Of those, we picked maybe 40 to sample. Of those 40 we picked maybe 10 to actually carry. These are the cream of the crop so we are very excited to get your feedback on what you think.

We are open today from 2-6 and tomorrow from 8-5. We have more products arriving today but I won’t have time to post about them. So stop on by and get your regular goodies and see what has just hit the shelves.

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