Pork is 20% off!

We are trying to bring our pig numbers down on the farm. This winter we were at about 130 pigs. We are currently at about 100 pigs, and we need to be down to 60-70 by fall, which is quickly approaching. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but that’s actually 30 pigs in three months. Since each pig weighs about 350 lbs, that’s 3500 pounds of pork per month, for the next three months. That’s a tall order. To get where I need to be, I can take pigs to the processor and sell them live. I can call other farmers and see if they need any pigs. I can go to restaurants and see what they will take. Or I can continue to take care of my customers first and last! Guess which one I chose.

From now till July 8th, we are having a sale of nearly all of our pork (minus bacon, because come on, it’s bacon. And a couple other things listed below) Basically everything porky will beĀ 20% off of our normal price. This is a straight, off the top sale. All you have to do to qualify is to purchase three pork sale items. So a couple of packs of pork chops, and one breakfast sausage qualifies. Or since one pack of breakfast sausage barely lasts one meal, get two packs and then some kielbasa or bratwurst. Or come and stock up on pork across the board. Whatever works for you.

We may continue the sale till later in the season, I don’t know at this point. For now, it’s on like Donkey Kong from now till basically after 4th of July week. Help us make some room in the freezers, and help us make some room on the farm.

Sale excludes bacon, bacon pieces, jowl bacon, ribs, and all items from Weeping Radish. Sale items may (and probably will at some point) be out of stock.

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