Our internet is dead, but the store is alive and well.

While working in the shop this past Wednesday, we had a small storm work its way overhead. I didn’t think much of it, because it’s summer time and storms are what you get in the afternoon. There was a rumble here, a boom there, and of course some rain, but nothing major. I did check the radar just to get a look at it, and yes, it was a relatively small storm so no big deal.

But as I was working, I heard a sizzle of electricity and then a boom.

“That’s not good.”

Booms are normal. Sizzles, not so much.

I went to check the computers and other electrical devices and sure enough, the internet was down. After checking everything back to the internet router, I called AT&T and was told they’d have a tech out the next day, between 8 and 12:30. Sigh, I hate windows like this, you can’t do anything, you can’t leave, and of course there is no internet so I can’t get any office work done. About 1pm  our tech showed up and it was a very nice lady and a gentleman who really worked their butts off. They worked all over the farm, trying everything they could, and they even worked in the rain. But at 4:00 pm they informed me the internet was dead and not coming back. The copper wire itself was a goner and would have to be replaced.

This is not good. We are talking about the 2000 feet of copper wire, buried underground.

Not to fear our tech told us, she’d turn this over to the cable group and they’d be out tonight, or at least tomorrow.

So now it’s Friday noon and I’ve heard nothing. I call back to AT&T and I’m told the tech will be here between 4-8pm. Another window of time. About 6:30 a tech shows up.

“Do you have cable?”


“Did you read the ticket entered on Wednesday?”


“Do you know this is a cable problem, not a technical problem?”


The guy was super nice. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with a less than excellent AT&T tech. I really enjoy talking to their techs. I used to be in their field and I appreciate the job and the position they are in.

So our new, redundant-to-our-first-tech, tech says he’ll get this routed to the correct group to get the cable installed. He’ll also make sure it goes in as an emergency order since we run not only our house, but our business off of this service. I also wrangled the email address of the manager of this cable department out of him so I could follow up with my own email. All this was done by Friday evening.

Saturday SWMBO and I had to drive to Stanly County to pick up Spork from encampment for the Civil Air Patrol. (Pics in the link for family and friends.) When I returned home, I found that there was no cable being installed and I had a text saying that July 29th would be my install date. What? Half a month to restore service?!! I called AT&T and Muhammad confirmed for me that yes, July 29th was my install date but I was welcome to call again on Monday and talk to someone else.

So… for the next few weeks, or until I can find someone at AT&T who cares, we will be pretty limited on internet posts, responding to emails, etc. I can always visit the neighbors with a laptop but frankly all my paperwork is in my office and moving everything to be able to work is a colossal pain in the posterior. But we’ll do what we have to do, albeit slowly.

If you need me, text me. If you know someone at AT&T who can make things happen, tell me. We WILL be open and have been open in the store. So there are no issues with our retail side. Our iPad has 4G internet service because I’m a belt and suspenders kind of person. It’s just all the boring paperwork and marketing that gets done that will be the issue.

I’m going to go pour myself a drink and get ready for tomorrow. Miguel says it’s going to be crazy on the farm and it’s my day to work. I think I saw a twinkle in his eye when he said it. I’m doomed.

2 Replies to “Our internet is dead, but the store is alive and well.”

  1. That really is a BIG Bummer! One day at a time for now, and as we all know, technology is not all that great sometimes, especially when it don’t work. Best of luck and hopefully it will be restored sooner than later.

    1. We got back up last night! Only 8 days after the lightning hit. 🙁

      Thanks for the well wishes! Now we just need to bury the cable and forget this every happened.

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