#47 goes to the big green pasture in the sky

Yesterday I took one of our cows to the processor. This is usually a once per month occurrence, but in July we were able to squeeze in two trips due to the demand from you good folks.

I know what some of you are thinking. Aww, it’s so sad, this poor guy. Yes, yes it is. #47 was born here and has been a good cow (steer actually) all his life. Never caused any trouble, never been sick, never escaped. But if we weren’t going to eat the cows, they’d never live at all. We aren’t running a cattle rescue, we are running a cattle farm. This is the final stepĀ of a very important process, one that is handled with respect and care. Our cows only have one bad day in their life. The rest are filled with sunshine and seas of grass. I wish I could say I only had one bad day in my life.

For the rest of you folks that are instead thinking, RIBEYES! That is true, we’ll have steak in the freezer on Saturday so plan on stopping by and picking up your beefy goodness. If you’d like to get your name the pre-order list, shoot me an email and we’ll hold your steaks for you.

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