Little red truck, 3.0


So now that the truck was serviceable, the girls are again happy that we can go on rides and do farm work. And that’s how the truck stayed for a number of years. Until Aussie asked me to use my truck in her wedding this past March. She said I could maybe wash it but really, don’t do anything to it because she’s having a barn wedding so a tired, dirty old truck would be fine for what she had in mind. Yeah, not so much. After spending a few weeks trying to find someone to paint my truck, I finally asked Miguel and he told me he had a friend who painted vehicles and best of all, he’s not a mile from the farm. So began the process of stripping everything out of the truck to get it ready for paint. IMG_164420131208-062208.jpg

We then loaded the truck onto our hay trailer and took it to the paint shop to begin what turned into a three-month process.


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