Snow pics from our recent snow, and why we didn’t see the snow.

Thanks to Erin, I have some pics of the farm all snowed in. 

It really was pretty. I mention Erin took the pics because we sorta missed the snow. We were busy farming elsewhere.

Out of state.

Actually out of the country.

Wildflower feeding pigs at No Name Cay in the Bahamas
No Name Cay, Abaco Bahamas

The cold snap that brought snow and awful cold to NC actually got it down to the low 70s and even 60s one day in the Bahamas. I know, boo hoo, right? Except we didn’t pack for cool weather. Oops.

We still had fun but we are glad to be back.

Feeding the pigs was a highlight.

Well, except for Spork and I who feed pigs all the time.  We let the girls do all the pig stuff while we secured the boat and wondered, somewhat grumpily, where the girls were when we were feeding our own pigs routinely. Oh well, everyone had fun. Fun to go, fun to be home.

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