Spots for the CSA are almost gone. Only 15 left!

I visited Chickadee Farm today to check in on how things are going and discuss logistics for our Wednesday CSA deliveries.

Some of the green houses at Chickadee Farm
Some of the green houses at Chickadee Farm

I asked how signups for the CSA program are going and found out that there are only 15 spots left for this year! We have more people than that who are interested so if you are one of the ones thinking about it, better get your name in there because once the spots are gone, they are gone. We have fliers in the store with information, or you can visit the signup page at Chickadee Farms. 

For those that don’t know, Chickadee is an organic principled farm, utilizing natural products and processes to raise all of their products.

Onions growing through straw
Straw makes for an excellent mulch

Chickadee had just plowed some of their fields today and I was able to inspect their soil. For those that know me, I can talk dirt and grass all day. Well this soil looked excellent. Lots of organic matter and a perfect color. It was obviously well taken care of and ready to grow some awesome produce.

While we utilize chips in our operation, Chickadee uses straw (pictured above) for theirs . The straw holds moisture, holds topsoil in place, and breaks down much quicker than chips to add that much needed organic matter to the soil.

We are going to have produce boxes ready for everyone who signs up on Wednesdays. That means you can swing by and get your fresh produce, grab whatever else you need for dinner while you are here, and head for the house. It should be an easy visit to the farm for our CSA customers.

I for one can’t wait to have some fresh produce here on my table.

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