After our return to summer this week, the forecast for tomorrow is 81 degrees and cloudy. There is a chance of some widely scattered showers, but they look to be more in the afternoon. That is simply a perfect day for a mud run. Warm enough to enjoy the run, cool enough not to sweat to death.
There is still time to register and run tomorrow. Just visit Dragon OCR to register and run. We’ll have our full complement of parkers on site to get you to your spot, and the store open as usual with fresh made cookies from the girls to celebrate your successful run.
I’ve had some people say they wanted to run, but they didn’t think they could make it over some of the obstacles (that they haven’t even seen). Rest assured, this isn’t the olympics. If an obstacle looks too tough, just run right around it. The idea is to have fun and get some outdoor exercise. So come on out and give it a try.
The parking crew will be running it tonight as a test run, and a thanks for doing the parking job. I’m sure they will be able to give you tips on which ones are the most fun when you get here.