Email newsletter, it’s coming soon, really.


Bunny facepalm
Looks likes Easter strikes, and not for the good

I did some work over the last few weeks to create a weekly wrap up email newsletter that will go out to everyone who subscribes via our website. It’s just a recap of the week’s blog posts, plus any other details I throw in there. The reason for the email newsletter is that Facebook elects to not show everything people post so if you want to not miss a post, this is a way to make sure. I spent a lot of time learning how to use everything and got it all set up, I thought.

Then Friday came and no email. So I reset it to Saturday. No email. I scoured the web, no luck. I finally broke down and emailed tech support through their cleverly hidden link. This morning, they emailed back and basically said, read the instructions and finish your setup. How infuriating. Don’t they think I’ve already gone through the instructions? Don’t the think I’ve done everything possible multiple times?! Don’t they think… “Confirm?” I never hit confirm. Where is that? Hence the face palm above. Look forward to receiving an email Friday morning with the weeks wrap up. I’ll endeavor not to mess with the thing during the week and hopefully not mess something else up.

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