As before. Here is the short summary:
We are OUT of beef. There is some ox tail and some osso bucco. That is it. However we SHOULD pick up our next cow on Friday so we should be fully stocked then.
Pork was just picked up, just over 400 lbs of cuts which is the equivalent of about 2 big hogs. This is from our friendly farmer we sourced from, which we spoke about before. Also, the processor has now informed us that we won’t be able to process any more hogs (after the two I just dropped off Monday) till OCTOBER! Argh!! We are going to have to be really nice to our friendly farmer to keep us in pork till we can get to the processor this fall. Things are REALLY getting crazy.
Chicken is still missing but we have more rabbit and guinea hen in the freezer. Christy said another couple of weeks till we get chicken again.
Milk is still flowing like normal. In fact we have more milk this week than I’ve ever seen.
Goat meat should be coming back in next week. It just wasn’t quite ready to load on the trailer this week. Barely missed. it.
Now for pics of what this week looks like. First, the pics of our trailer freezers this week. They were as full as I’ve ever seen them. I had to play Jenga to get everything to fit, which is unusual.
Now for our freezers. This is stocked (thanks Jeanette!) and as you’ll see it today when we open.
As I said, the beef freezer is empty. Friday should be stuffed full again.
There was some personnel issue at the creamery and we only get our normal flavors like chocolate, strawberry, etc. We got those by the case but not the one off flavors we needed. We are still in good shape on ice cream though. Guinea hens and rabbit are well stocked.
We received our full order of eggs and we have a few left over from last week so we are in good shape. Goat cheese, lard, etc are all in good shape as well.
But we are able to get pork from him sooner than with our hogs and we can order more with greater frequency so that makes life a little easier.
Again, we are supposed to pick up beef this Friday so if you are hankering for a steak, make sure you stop by Friday or Saturday. I’ll also post as soon as I know if I can pick up Friday morning so everyone who wants to come Friday can do so.
Thanks again for everyone’s patience.