Beef is back in stock

You’ve noticed that I haven’t been publishing daily updates to our stocking levels recently. That is because most things are in stock all the time now. Chicken is coming in nicely, we were able to get a couple of pigs processed to get us back to normal levels, with two more going next week (instead of October!!) and then two more to follow them. So really beef is the only thing we are running short on lately.

Ribeye steaks, ready for sale
Ribeye steaks, ready for sale

The good news is we were able to get an extra slot at the beef processor and that cow was picked up this week, fully restocking us on hamburger, steaks, roasts, etc. I got back late afternoon last Wednesday with the cow so only a little bit was sold at the end of the day Wednesday meaning we are fully stocked as we open today.

If you are looking for beef, today and tomorrow are your days.

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