Lamb is in

Today I finally made it to the processor to pick up our first two lamb from our young farmers, The Boondocks Farm, here in town. Before when we were able to get lamb in, it came from a different farmer and they pretty much sent us what they wanted. That meant we didn’t get the whole animal, just the cuts they were willing to send us.

For these lamb, I actually picked the lamb up at the farm, delivered them to the processor myself, and now picked them up. So we are getting the whole animal and we are writing the cut sheet. I dropped these lamb off weeks ago but I just couldn’t get to the processor to pick them up when I wanted. It takes about 3 hours to make the total trip so I can’t just pop over during lunch.

Unlike the 700 pound yield on a cow, a trip for lamb is a much smaller haul. That’s nice for the farmer who has to load it all in the trailer, and nice for Jeanette who has to unload it all.

Not as nice for all of our hungry customers who buy us out of product so quickly!

But we brought home about 85 pounds of lamb, all cut and packaged just the way we like it. Jeanette will have it in the store ready for tomorrow and of course letting everyone with a pre-order know that their order is in.

I’m also picking up our latest cow Friday so we will be restocking on beef again this week. That is with beef still being in good supply in the store so we are finally catching our breath on beef.

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