We need a new chicken farmer….again

What free range actually looks like
No, not this kind of chicken farmer.

We’ve been waiting anxiously since last year for our new chicken farmer to start providing us birds for the freezer. We were fortunate that Dawnbreaker farms has been willing to supply us with chicken in the interim but we needed our new farmer to grow his operation from a small starter flock to something that could supply us (and you) with the kind of stead supply it takes to keep us going.

In anticipation of our new farmer coming online, we sold down what we had of chicken, and have basically worked with an empty freezer for over a month hoping this week was the week. Ok, THIS week will be the week. Maybe THIS week will be the week? Ugh.

At well past the last minute, we found out that our new farmer was NOT going to provide us chicken. At all. I managed to talk him into one delivery just to help us till we can find someone else but we are basically starting from scratch on a process we started last year. Its very frustrating. With that said, we are in need of a new chicken farmer. If anyone can recommend a farmer we should reach out to, I’d be most appreciative. Please email me at dan@ninjacowfarm.com and I’ll forward the info to Jeanette so she can reach out.

One Reply to “We need a new chicken farmer….again”

  1. Left your email with 2 possible suppliers. Hopkins poultry and Clapp Farms. If they don’t work out, I might have 1 more supplier, but he is older and off line. I have to get contact info.
    Best to you guys
    Jack Baker from Gunsmithing school.

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