A new name for Bok Bok, we need your help.

So as you’ve likely noticed by now, everyone routinely talked about on our farm has some sort of nick name. A big part of this is SWMBO (my wife) does not like the kids names used in a public domain. I used to think this was overprotective but now it just seems to be common sense. No sense making things easier to bad people. But back to the nicknames. My son is “Spork”, my older daughter is “The Princess”, and my youngest daughter is “Bok Bok”. The issue is that Bok Bok now needs a new name. But before I get into that, let me share some history.

For some reason nobody really questions Spork but for back story, he was named by my neighbor when Spork was doing something somewhat slowly and not quite right. He was a really little kid and was doing the best he could but certainly wasn’t moving at adult pace. Anyway the frustrated quote was, “I don’t know what you’re going to be, you’re not quite a spoon and you’re certainly not a fork. I think you’ll just be a spork the rest of your life.” It was a strange statement but it stuck. Now with men, your nickname is supposed to be not especially flattering. My neighbor, who is a man, was saddled with Alice. If you’re wondering about how all this nickname stuff works, there is an interesting article here at The Art of Manliness website. You’ll note that there is quite a bit in that article about how nicknames are not flattering, and complaining about them only gets you in trouble but since SWMBO nor Bok Bok have or will read the article, they don’t care. They want a new name for Bok Bok.

Now The Princess is easy. My first girl, my little princess. Every father with a girl has his little princess but my girl isn’t a princess with a little p, she’s a princess with a big P. You see I had to do some research for work on my genealogy and in doing so I found that our line goes a LONG ways back, back to Scotland and specifically back to Robert De Bruce. Yes, that Robert De Bruce from Braveheart. So it turns out we are distantly related to Scottish royalty which is pretty cool, and why my little princess is my little Princess.

Bok Bok was given a name because by that time everyone had a name. I really don’t know what made me land on this name but I do know where it came from. That’s a commercial from when I was a kid. No she wasn’t born on Easter and no she doesn’t especially like eggs, or bunnies, or chocolate, no more than any other kid. However, she and SWMBO have decided that they hate Bok Bok and they no longer want her called by that name. The issue is what is her new name. I planned on waiting till she earned her new name by some action but that time frame is apparently not acceptable so I’m turning to you, my friends, to help name this young lady. Per the folkways and mores of traditional man interaction noted in the article above, she should get something horrible as punishment for complaining but she is my little girl and I do love her so, so I’m letting her out of her punishment and hoping to find her a good name. We have some preliminary draft names already, none of which are clearly ahead in the polls. I’ll detail them below along with pictures of Bok Bok.

Farm girl
Sugar (cookie) The Princess has freckles, which we call her chocolate chips. Bok Bok doesn’t have freckles, making her a sugar cookie. Sugar is more of a term of endearment than a name to me.
Wild Woman is a name that was suggested and it does fit. Bok Bok is loud and tough and full of energy. She's solid and if kids are crying it's better than 50/50 that somebody got hurt and Myla did the hurting. Usually not maliciously, just because she bumped into them while playing crazy.
Wild Woman is a name that was suggested and it does fit. Bok Bok is loud and tough and full of energy. She’s solid and if kids are crying it’s better than 50/50 that somebody got hurt and Myla did the hurting. Usually not maliciously, just because she bumped into them while playing crazy.
Bok Bok in her PPE
Bar Fly is one that popped up in conversation. Bok Bok went with us to a local restaurant when she was still a little toddler. We’d shipped the other two off to a babysitter and all we had for date night was what was then the baby. As soon as we got into the loud restaurant with loud music, Bok Bok started going crazy, dancing and doing a jig on the table even though she could barely walk. The music really seemed to energize her and she’s always enjoyed a party ever since.
Bok Bok farm girl
The subject of our attention today.

She’s rough and tumble, sweet towards animals, the baby of our brood, and she needs a new name. Any suggestions? We could sure use them.

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