Morning milking in the dark and walking from the back pasture

This post is a bit of a time warp. I accidentally never posted it. It’s actually from a few weeks ago. I was testing out posting to Instagram rather than posting directly to our website. Then I link the picture from Instagram inline with the post. Extra steps but I’m hoping some of the odd formatting that WordPress does to our pictures will go away.

Today we had our cows in the back pasture. This pasture is at the far corner of our farm, and at its lowest elevation. Normally our milking routine has close and closer pastures so each morning is not so much of an adventure. Walking completely across the farm, up the road, past the houses makes for a long trip. We don’t normally put the cows in the back pasture but there was grass galore and the cows needed some grassy fun after being in the woods for a week.

So this morning everyone got to enjoy hiking through the waist-high grass looking for the cows. Of course they were sitting in the woods, snickering at us as we went the wrong direction. Finally we found them and walked Dottie out and up to the barn. It was a long walk, and up hill the entire way. Of course we will tell the kids it was uphill both ways but that’s another story.

It was a long trek in the dark but everything worked out fine and milking went smoothly.

Tomorrow should be easier as Dottie will know where to meet us. The first day in a new area is always a bit confusing.

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