#23 has a new calf, #47


Yesterday we had a new little calf born on the farm. Our cow, #23 has given us a beautiful little bull calf who is healthy and spry. This is another Benjamin calf, although this one won’t get to be a bull. As is our practice he was ear tagged and castrated right away. This calf will be two years old late fall of 2016, perfect for our fall processing. In the mean time he’ll live a wonderful life eating grass and playing in the sunshine.


Here is #47 next to momma not long after he was born. He’s already up and ready to nurse.


Here is momma, already back to grazing with the little calf in tow. Our wonderful neighbors, the Atwoods, called and let us know that the cow was down and was giving birth. They were worried she was having trouble but by the time we got there, everyone was doing fine.


And finally the star of our post, #47 sporting his new ear tag. He seemed a bit put out that he had a new earring. What he didn’t know was being banded was coming next. The lesson here is, don’t complain, what is coming next may be worse.

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