11 Good Eats episodes every new cook should watch

Alton Brown

I shared this post on 11 Good Eats episode that every new cook should watch on Facebook. Then the more I thought about it, the more I thought I should have this post on our website as a sticky post. We have so many new cooks who are also new customers, I thought this would be a good post for them to discover in the future.

Alton is who I learned from starting when I was in college and who I still go to today when I’m making sure I have a technique down pat. If you don’t know Good Eats, you’re missing out. Season 1 is available on Netflix streaming. Season 2-13 are available on DVD, at my house.

3 Replies to “11 Good Eats episodes every new cook should watch”

  1. I use Alton Browns recipe for Corned Beef exclusively… Makes the best without all the preservatives…..my problem is I can’t get a roast big enough….The grocery meat markets don’t have really large cuts of meat…When I make Corned Beef my kids want bags of it portioned out for each of them…..some have kids and want it for parties…… My plan is to come out to your Ninja Cow Farm and experience the joy of getting real meat…the kind my mom used to get way back in the day…..

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