Justin’s last day, and a big announcement

IMG_3105.JPGToday was Justin’s last day interning for us. Justin has learned how to operate heavy equipment without crashing too often, how to back a trailer, and how to handle animals both large and small. He is one semester away from graduating at C.C.C.C. and will shortly be on his way to managing his own farm.

The reason for Justin’s leaving isn’t because he was done with being an intern but it has to do with me quitting my day job to take up farming full time! I’m selling my company, with a hopeful closing date of January 16th. If that goes through I will be a full time farmer come the 17th. With that kind of change we had to cut our internship program short but I hope that this will lead to bigger and better things going forward. Very few farmers are able to make a living off of farming solely, and nobody I’ve heard of has made it on this small of an acreage but we are going to give it a go. We have growth plans in multiple areas but we will take it one step at a time and see what God has in store for us. Plan on seeing more posts, and more kids as I drag them out of the house and put them to work.

Either way, it should be a grand adventure and a learning experience to the kids.

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