More pics from one of our customers, and an update on beef

A four bone roast in the crock pot, by Drew H.
A four bone roast in the crock pot, by Drew H. This is more artistic staging than you’ll ever see out of me.

Drew sent me a follow up email after our last meat delivery. I had brought him a four bone loin roast because he had family in town and he wanted something he could cook for them. He asked me how to cook it, and I suddenly paused. I don’t think we’ve actually cooked one yet and I certainly wasn’t confident to suggest anything. I felt terrible, I should know how to cook our product so I can give recommendations. I made  a mental note to figure out a recipe I liked later.

Drew thankfully let it go and said he’d figure something out. Then he took care of my problem for me with the following email.

The 4 bone roast was insane!!! You should throw one in the crock pot. The fat liquified and makes it incredibly rich.  We used this recipe and added cracked red pepper for heat.

Drew kindly shared the recipe he used and you can view it here. 

Thanks Drew and Cat! We still have a few four bone roasts if you want to give it a try. Plus we are getting three cows in this week so we’ll be back in beef again. I sold the last three packs of hamburger we had yesterday to a nice lady and her three boys. We are OUT of beef at this point but that’s good, that means we have room for all the beef that is coming.

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