
Cow getting a massage. Funny.
It wasn’t quite this relaxing, but pretty close

Last week the entire family and I went on vacation. It’s not unusual for the family to go on vacation, but it is unusual that we ALL went. I always seem to have something that requires my presence and keeps me from going. I probably make 1 out of every 10 vacations and those are ones where I drive down late and/or leave early. You’d think that by selling my company and going to farming full time I’d be able to take off now since I have Miguel and Vicente here but the first vacation of this year, I had to stay home and was glad I did because it was so busy. The really bad day we had was when I was supposed to be at the beach with the family.

Last week’s vacation was special in that it was actually a school trip disguised as a vacation. We went to Colonial Williamsburg, VA and toured the entire town.

Preparing to attack the English governors palace.
Preparing to attack the English governors palace.
A gentleman from the 1700s, riding a Segway.
A gentleman from the 1700s, riding a Segway.

I’m going to post some pics of what was interesting from the trip because a lot of our friends follow us on the farm site. There is a LOT of farming stuff I need to post, so not to worry, more pics of cows and pigs coming soon. There was one bit of farming that had to happen before we left though.

Breaking down a side of pork
My chore before I could get in the car to leave

I had to butcher and process the pig we had to shoot that had been hanging in the cooler ever since. When we got the family up to leave, I was already hard at work in the kitchen breaking down this side of pork. It had to be made into usable cuts, vacuum sealed, labeled, and put in the freezer. Then I had to clean up and put everything away. This was all before we could leave the house so it was an early start to the day. In case you are wondering, yes that is our kitchen I’m working in. SWMBO is a wonderful wife.

Colonial Williamsburg character
There is a scavenger hunt for the kids with lots to see, and lots of characters to talk to. They were wonderful.
The family, along with our traveling partners from our home school co-op
The family, along with our traveling partners from our home school co-op
Colonial Williamsburg, VA
Of course, there is a lot of history to learn about while you are there.
Blacksmith, Colonial Williamsburg
I was more interested in the trades and crafts that are authentically recreated every day at Colonial Williamsburg. I could go back and spend a day just seeing these different trades being performed. 
Colonial Williamsburg, VA
Overall it was a great trip to Colonial Williamsburg. We probably had more fun than education, but we are going back.

It wasn’t all school while we were there. On the way up, we toured some wineries in the area. They were gorgeous! The wine wasn’t too bad either.

The view from one wineries rooftop deck.
The view from one wineries rooftop deck.
Bed head
We had the requisite sleeping in, with bed head to match.
Busch Gardens
Busch Gardens

The next day was Busch Gardens. Not somewhere I would have picked since I don’t ride rides but I always found a bench to sit on and the kids had a ball. I’d go back.

Busch Gardens
Busch Gardens
Busch Gardens
Action shot, courtesy of yours truly

The last day was spent at the place where we stayed. There was lots to do and the entire place was really nice. Mostly we stayed by the pool and played some mini-golf. There were tears from both families when it was time to leave.

Mini golf
Mini golf, straight out of the pool. 

More farming to come. I promise. We are home now and it’s busy as it can be this week. I already have lots to post, with more coming.

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