Kids our Loud, from Fairview Baptist Church, and new baby pigs!

We were contacted about a week ago about bringing some animals out to a church for their Kids out Loud program. I responded that we couldn’t bring animals to the church but the kids could come here. I really didn’t know what a kids out loud program was. I mean, I know we drop our kids off at a program at church and they do stuff. And I know the kids come home with more bible knowledge than I have, but I don’t actually sit through these things, I go to boring adult church. I also didn’t know who Fairview Baptist church was. Are they big? Are they small? Don’t know, didn’t have time to look.

Surprisingly they agreed they’d come out here instead and after some wrangling of schedules, a last minute decision was made to have them out last night.

The kids arrive on their activity bus
The kids arrive on their activity bus

About 7:15 the bus showed up with 36 kids and assorted adults. I had Spork and The Princess come out to help. All these kids traveled to our farm to experience farm life. My kids, who live it every day, wanted to know if they could see the inside of the bus! Too funny, they’ve never seen the inside of a bus and had only heard stories. Everyone got to see something new so there was much happiness.

Kids walking on a farm road
Walking down the road towards the pig paddock.

The kid were really well behaved and the adults did a great job of keeping everyone together so we strolled to our first stop, the maternity ward.

Petting a day old baby Large Black pig
Petting a day old baby Large Black pig

Thanks to Cindy for sending me these pics. You can barely see the little piglet for all the hands and kids. This was a highlight of the trip. How often do you get to see a less than one day old baby pig? One of the Large Blacks that we purchased had delivered 7 beautiful piglets just that morning. All were sleeping and snuggling in their farrow house that afternoon so I was able to sneak one out for the kids to see and touch. Perfect timing.

Kids petting a baby pig
It was like being a movie star and being mobbed by fans.

Yes there is actually a little pig in there.

After the baby pig, we walked back to the bee hives where everyone was able to take a quick look at the bees. I love watching the bees, but bees are boring to kids so we quickly moved on to seeing the cows. I’d quickly unloaded the new trailer before everyone arrived so we had room for everyone to ride. I’d also put a pallet of watermelons onboard for entertainment. We rode down to the cows and I hopped in the trailer and starting handing out pieces of watermelon to the kids to throw to the cows, who were most happy to gobble it up to the kids delight.

The view of the cows from the trailer.
The view from the trailer

After feeding about 6-8 watermelons, it was time to go. We all rode back to the barn where the kids loaded up and left but not before many thanks to their farmer. They were a joy to have and I’m glad I made the time for them. I also was able to meet one of my neighbors who came along. I didn’t know her so it was great to have a chance.

Kids on a farm trailer.
Everyone on the trailer, post tour.

4 Replies to “Kids our Loud, from Fairview Baptist Church, and new baby pigs!”

  1. My sons and nephews loved it! I heard all about the baby pig who they dubbed Sparky. I have a cub scout den that I would love to bring out for a visit early in the fall. We are off for the summer. We are bears this coming year so third grade. I believe I will have 9 boys. A few siblings might tag along as well.

    1. April, we’d be happy to have your group out this fall. By then the weather will be more tolerable than the heat we have coming so the timing should be just right. Just contact me to set something up.

  2. Thank you for being such a gracious host! It was an awesome experience! My kids couldn’t stop talking about it all day today! We hope to visit again, soon!

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