We have eggs!

I was receiving a shipment from another farmer today and the owner mentioned that she had an extra case of pasture raised chicken eggs on the truck and didn’t know why. Must be some mixup when they were loading she assumed.

Me, “Um, so they are extra.”

Her, “Yep.”

Me, “Wanna sell them?”

Her, “Sure, why not.”

A dozen perfect farm fresh chicken eggs
A dozen perfect farm fresh chicken eggs

There are now 9 dozen eggs in the fridge for whoever wants to stop by and buy them. Since I get a request about every other day for eggs, I doubt they will last long so its first come, first serve. I’ll be here till about 4pm today and around all weekend so just let me know if you want to stop by and get some eggs, or chicken, or pork, or beef. We have it all right now!

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