The cows move to a brand new farm

Yesterday we accomplished something we’ve been working on for some time. Our cows moved to a completely new farm that we’ve just leased. This additional acreage almost doubles our grazing land allowing us to add about 20 more cows to our herd. More cows in the herd means less times we are out of beef and a steadier supply over the course of a year, all good news.

We had the cows temporarily on our farm while we (Miguel) finished some repairs on the fencing at the new farm. When we started the voltage on the hot wire didn’t even register. A couple of days of work, being stung by wasps multiple times, being bitten by fire ants multiple times (all Miguel) and it was ready to go. We went from no reading to “Hi” on the volt meter meaning it was above 16,000 volts. Since 6,000 will keep most any cow in, I think we are good to go. Miguel kept trying to get me to touch the hot wire. No dice. I know what 10,000 volts feels like. I’m fine not knowing what 16,000 feels like.

The new farm is only about 5 miles away and is beautiful with lush tall grass, watering holes surrounded by trees, rolling hills, etc. This is something we tried to tell the cows. Did the listen? Oh no.

The cows, walking into the paddock to enter the loading gate
The cows, walking into the paddock to enter the loading gate

Here the cows are walking into the central paddock where we will put them into the loading corral and load them onto our trailer. They got about 2/3 of the way in and decided to all run back into the pasture. Once in the pasture, they wouldn’t hear of going into the paddock again. After a few laps around the pasture and both Gators being brought into play, we finally got them in and began loading.

Cows exiting trailer
Stepping off the trailer into their new Eden.

We put the cows in a temporarily closed off area with grass, trees, and water. It is only a few acres so it’s easier to see how they adapt to a new environment and let them establish a new routine. The new farm is much bigger than the 30 acres of grazing we have access to so it was important that moms reunite with babies and the herd becomes a herd again before we turn them loose to roam.

The cows lounging in their new home.
The cows lounging in their new home.

By the time this above picture was taken the cows had been on the new farm for a few hours. The look they gave me seemed to indicate that I wasn’t welcome because I’d probably make them leave. Kind of like when you visit your kid’s dorm room in college. Glad to see you, did you bring money, you need to leave because my girlfriend is coming over.

I took it to mean that they were happy.

2 Replies to “The cows move to a brand new farm”

  1. Next time you need to move cattle, you should call on my cow girl friend who just brought back a horse from her dad’s ranch. This horse knows how to herd cows.

    1. Thanks Joelle. A cutting horse would be a ball to herd cows with, something I’d really enjoy. We actually talked about it recently. However I’d already have the cows where they should be and be onto the next project by the time I saddled the horse. If I only had 1000 acres where I could roam, we’d have horses.

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