Apple picking with the kids

Our farm orchard is pretty sad. The trees are very small and produce pretty much nothing at this point. However, whilst on a field trip with the kids to Thomas Jefferson’s Montecello we saw a sign that said apple picking, cider, wine tastings, etc. I noted two things.

1. It is apple season.

2. They said wine tasting.

After learning all about Montecello we had a bit of extra time before we had to head back. We’d absorbed lots of facts from the tour and a wine tasting seemed like the perfect way to cement those facts into our long term memory. Or purge them. I don’t really recall. But first, the apple picking.

Family picking apples
The whole family picking apples. (SWMBO is behind the camera)

The place we went to was called Carter Mountain Orchard. It was up on top of a mountain and everything was much steeper than it looks in this picture.

Dad and daughter picking apples
The Princess hard at work

Before we started picking I asked the kids, “What is the first rule of picking?” They all answered in chorus, “One for the bag, one for your mouth.” It’s important to have rules. That’s a parenting tip for you new parents out there.

Buy picking apples.
Spork, hamming it up for the camera.
Father and girl picking apples
Wildflower had to get in on the action.
Young girl picking apples
Wildflower, just before she ate the next apple.

Everyone had a large time. We took back 13 pounds of apples, not counting the additional 3 pounds that got eaten. The weather was phenomenal and it was a perfect end to our day.

Actually the wine tasting was the perfect end, but we don’t have any pictures of that.


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