Last corn

We had a surprise from the market Friday, two bags of sweet corn. Getting corn when I am breaking ice off of waterers is certainly a treat. Somebody had a few bags hidden.

Anyway, the cows were more than happy to have a last blast of summer. Miguel and I hand fed to make sure everyone had a chance to at least get one.

Despite the hard frost this morning , the grass is looking pretty good. I am hoping to go pick up our first load of hay in a week or so and we should surely have plenty of grass till then. The real trick is how long will we have grass into the winter. This is our first winter where we are using the new management techniques so it’s going to be a learning experience to see how the grass does. According to the experts, in our climate we should be able to graze all winter long and not need hay. I am doing all I can to help that be true. First by buying an entire winters worth of hay which per Murphy’s Law should mean I end up needing no hay. We will see.

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