The cows are back and cuteness returns

Little girl hand feeding the cows some bananas
Hand feeding the cows some bananas

It’s been a while since we’ve had a picture of a cute kid feeding the cows. The cows have been off farm for about two months and all the tours we’ve done during that time have been to see the pigs only. It’s neat to see the pigs and toss them a bit of food but it isn’t the same as hand feeding the cows. There is certainly more giggling and screaming, especially when the foot long tongue comes snaking out trying to grab the banana right out of their hand or a bit of drool gets on mom’s hand and she’s not quite sure what to do.

I’ve missed my cows and I’m glad they are back.

Giving the tour. Talking cows, diets, grass, and of course kiddos
Giving the tour. Talking cows, diets, grass, and of course kiddos

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