Finally, some artwork in the farm store

Kids drawing of a chicken on a chalkboard
An original masterpiece, by The Princess

I was finally able to get The Princess over to the farm store the other day and turn her loose with chalk and a blank space. The egg fridge looked a little sad with all that open blank space. As soon as she walked in a saw it, she started hopping up and down and asking if she could draw on the chalkboard. Of course, I answered. I prepared that space just for you.

I handed her the chalk and left her alone with no instruction other than to have fun. Thirty minutes later I came back to this. We have a chicken laying an egg in the nesting box. We have a baby chick on the ground peeping and walking around. And we have a snake going into the nesting box stealing eggs. All of these things are things she’s seen on the farm. I’d forgotten about the snake stealing eggs but she obviously hadn’t. It’s so cool to see what your kids remember.

Stop by the farm and see our newly outfitted store and our freezers that are overflowing with goodies. And of course, see the artwork and compliment the artist if she’s around.

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