We need your input on a new logo

In case you haven’t been by the store in a few weeks, the girls are starting their own bakery to bake and sell fresh goods on Saturdays.

Farm girls working a farm store
Sisters working together.

On the right, you can see the cookies in the covered glass. For now we have to bake them in a commercial kitchen but we’re working on our home kitchen inspection. Once that is in place, we’ll add breads and other goodies that the girls will learn how to bake, then perfect (dad and mom are the taste testers) and then bring out for sale. There is talk of me teaching them my fresh baked pita recipe when tomato and cucumber season get here. Yum!

As we prepared to get these girls started as bakers, we of course had to do the most important part first.

No not safety. Safety is third.

We had to create a new logo for their new bakery business. We already have a cool logo for the farm.

ninja cow logo and text horizontal

We couldn’t let the bakery have anything any less cool so we went back to the source of our farm logo, 99designs.com.

The first step of a new logo was to come up with a name for the bakery, which SWMBO did immediately. “Mojo Daggers Bakery”. The name is a play on nicknames that our girls have. You can get the story behind those names when you stop by. They have so many nicknames now I can’t even keep up.

The important part is we had a name, and it was now time for a logo. After a week of work with 99designs, we have some top choices available and we now need your help. We have a poll up and running where you can pick the logo that you like the best and give us your feedback.  Rate the designs, offer critiques and criticisms in the text boxes. We can still tweak the designs at this point so anything you like or don’t like is fair game.

You can view the poll here.

As you can see, and as you would expect, these are not your typical little girl bakery logos.

There are only four designs and the girls would love your input. Please take a minute and let us know what you think.

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