We have extra beef coming shortly

I’ve begged our processor until they caved. It’s not always easy to cash in your brownie points. Thankfully mine just got redeemed.

Our processor is going to let us take two cows on Monday the 22nd instead of just the one we had scheduled. Since they are 90 days out on new spots in the schedule, this is a big deal. This means we should have over 1100 pounds of beef back the beginning of March putting us well stocked on beef.  It does mean that our pickup date has been pushed back from the 2nd of March to the 5th of March but we’ll be well stocked for the weekend.

Plus we have two hogs at the processor right now that we’ll be picking up on Wednesday of next week. We should be stuffed to the gills shortly.

Of course, none of this will help anyone this weekend but will help quite a bit over the next month. We do still have a lot of selection of other cuts of meat, plus plenty of chicken and plenty of dairy products so we have a lot for you to choose from. But rest assured the big restock is coming.

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