New piglets on the farm

Saturday I was giving tours, showing people our farm. We had 31 bookings on Saturday so it was very busy.

I was driving people around, acting like a knew what I was doing, pointing out all the cool stuff when Miguel asked me if I’d seen the new piglets?

Huh? What new piglets.

Yep, I’d been driving right by them.

Large black sow with piglets
Large black momma with new piggies, just hours old

In my defense, they were inside the house away from everyone else and I hadn’t even looked in there.

She’d only had 5 piglets, and two didn’t survive birth so we only have 3 piglets from this litter which is a really low number. If she keeps having this small of a litter, she’ll probably go on the truck to the processor this fall. Hopefully her next litter will be a larger one. Till then, we’ll enjoy the cuteness that is large black piglets. They are the cutest piglets I’ve ever seen!

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