It was a casual day on Saturday

Normally this place is crazy busy on Saturday’s. Spork is giving tours, I’m giving tours, and we have people popping in to pickup goodies all at the same time.

However this past weekend, Spork was having a birthday shindig with his cousin so it was just me giving tours. And we had about three no shows for pickup appointments. That meant that our tours were about all we had in the store for part of the day. When I came back with one of our tour groups, I walked up to this.

Girls relaxing during work
The girls, relaxing on a beautiful day

If you feel bad for the girls having to give up their Saturday’s to work. Don’t. Work isn’t bad. It’s fun, entertaining, and sometimes relaxing. While we prefer to stay busy, the girls make the best of any situation so no matter what, it’s all good.

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