General update to grazing and school starts

It’s raining and cool again here at the farm. We should have sunshine today but its a misty cool start to the day. The grass continues to grow very well. It looks like the fescue is coming out of summer dormancy and is growing again. The cows certainly aren’t complaining.

SWMBO is starting day 2 of school. Spork reported that he very much enjoyed school yesterday and SWMBO said it went off very well so hopefully today will be a repeat.

After one full day of phosphorous refill, the cows have consumed about one half of the 25 pounds. I have one more bag of phosphorous and then I will be out. Luckily its time to reorder. I also notice that the trace mineral TA and the vitamin V4 are starting to look like they have had some attention and will need to be refilled in a week or two. Looks like a pallet of phosphorous is in order though. I’m very encouraged by the drop in the cows PH so I don’t mind ordering more. If this solves the PH problem it will be more than worth it.