Back from school

I’ve just returned from 2 and 1/2 days in Jackson, MS at the Stockman Grass Farmers grazing and finishing school with Annabal Pordodomingo. I have a book full of facts and pages of notes. Most of what I learned will be used in my cattle management but some of it I’ll be sharing here with everyone. Look for details as time goes on of the things I’ve learned that I can share with you.

It’s good to be home. I do hope we don’t get another cold spell because we’ve had water problems galore while I’ve been gone. I had to lean heavily on Miguel while I was gone to get all the water issues (read: broken pipes) resolved. The bad part was I just learned today that he’s been sick the entire time I was gone, something he failed to mention. Thanks to Miguel for toughing it out and keeping things good for me on the farm.

Also thanks to the inmates John and Brian who kept the animals fed and in the correct corral. We’ll be dressing deer tomorrow in addition to catching up on all the work I missed this week. Hopefully it’ll stop raining long enough to get some work done.

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