I’ve failed as a father

Spork, his cousin, and I all worked this morning on the farm, feeding, moving cows, going to the market, etc. After working the boys all day, I thought we’d relax for a bit and do something fun. We had some watermelons from the market and we have way too many squirrels on the farm. Also, Spork received a new 22 rifle for Christmas and he’s had little chance to shoot it because I’ve been too busy to take him.

As we got back to the farm I told Spork to take all of our produce in the house, and to grab the watermelon, his rifle, and a magazine and we’d sit on the porch and eat watermelon and shoot some squirrels if they happened by. For those of you who aren’t shooters, a magazine is a removable box that holds the bullets in the gun.

Rifle magazine
Something like this

When I’d put his gun safely away earlier I’d detached the magazine and had it laying there beside the rifle. I didn’t want him to forget the magazine when he came back so I made sure to point out all three things to bring.

  1. A watermelon
  2. The rifle
  3. The magazine

It took him a bit longer than I’d expect but soon enough Spork and his cousin showed up. They had three things.

  1. A watermelon.
  2. His new rifle
  3. After some hunting around in my room, he’d brought a magazine.
    Spork holding a Trade a plane magazine
    Spork with his “magazine”

    I really need to take the boy shooting. I’ve got to figure out how to get some more free time.

We did eat 1.5 watermelons and enjoy a few minutes of rest. It was awesome just hanging out and joking with the boys on a sunny day. So at least I got some good dad points in that regard.

**No squirrels were harmed in the making of this post.

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