Walking the walk, part 2

Everything at the beach wasn’t boring old dinner though. We also had snacks and goodies.

Goat cheese assortment for snacking
Goat cheese assortment for snacking

We’d tried all the goat cheeses here and thereĀ over time, but with some down time at the beach, we decided to try all the cheeses together and compare one against the other. The surprise of the day was that jalapeno was SWMBO’s favorite. She thinks black pepper is spicy and hot so liking jalapeno cheese was out of character. However she thought the cheese really dampened the spice and you could instead taste the jalapeno itself. Whatever the pros and cons, all the cheeses were scarfed up before you could blink.

I’d mentioned before that we just picked and juiced our muscadine grapes growing here on our farm. Of course a gallon of grape juice made it to the beach.

Muscadine grape juice
Muscadine grape juice
Two types of grape juice, kids juice and mommy juice
Two types of grape juice, kids juice and mommy juice

Don’t let the ice fool you, that’s Adam’s Vineyard wine in the wine glass. SWMBO strangely likes ice in her wine. She cooks for me so I don’t point out that it is weird.

sour cream and herb dip
A new treat, still in the test phase

We also took the opportunity to test out a new product not on the shelf yet. I met a small farmer who had a dried herb product where the herbs were already packaged and ready to be used. You just mixed in sour cream or whatever. We had skyrr tikk (goat’s milk sour cream) from Celebrity Goat Dairy, our goat farmer. Skyrr is basically sour cream and it’s really good. Mix in some herbs and it’s awesome. We scarfed up the dip for a snack, then had some left over for breakfast omelettes.

Goats milk fudge
Goats milk fudge

Speaking of our goat farmer, we also had some of his AWESOME goat fudge. I know what you’re thinking. Goat…Fudge? Huh? Oh good Lord you need to try some! It’s the best fudge I’ve ever had. If you don’t believe me, then trust the kids.

Kids grabbing fudge from a plate.
Seconds before it was all gone.
Sunrise at the beach
Sunrise at the beach

It was a great trip to the beach. Thanks to Miguel and Vicente for keeping everything shipshape on the farm while we were gone. While we may have vacated, we were also doing research on our products and doing more than talking the talk. We were definitely walking the walk of farm fresh suppliers of your families meals.

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