It’s breakfast time, now with sweet maple sausage links

Maple sausage, new to our store.
Maple sausage, new to our store.

Our pork processor let me know a few weeks ago that they were working on a new sausage formula, maple breakfast sausage. They asked if I was interested. Does a cat have a climbing gear?! Of course I was interested!

Ninja Cow Farm is the first farm to have the new maple sausages and of course I had to try them immediately. As in, I left the processor and drove down to the little country diner 2 minutes away. I walked in the door andĀ handed them a pack of Ninja Cow Farm sausages. “Cook these please, with some eggs.”

The wait staff was all laughing, saying they’d never heard of someone bringing in their own meatĀ before but sure, why not. I kept a straight face acting like it was totally normal. The plate above was the result.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t a fan of the way they cooked the sausages (fried in the deep fryer) so the flavor was hidden by the cooking method but I could tell it was there and would be better served if it was cooked properly, on the griddle. That’s ok though, we have 75 pounds of these little guys tucked in the freezer and it’ll be breakfast time at the NCF farm house shortly. In the meantime, we’re open from 2-6 today, and 8-5 tomorrow, so stop by and get some goodies for breakfast. We are still hugely stocked on beef, overflowing on pork, and we have eggs and dairy stuffed to the gills again.

The only thing we are short on is chicken as we keep outrunning our poor chicken farmer. But they will hopefully catch up next week. In the meantime, better get the chicken you need for the week. It’ll go fast this weekend.

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