Hedy has her baby Henry #78

Yesterday morning Erin said Hedy looked like she was ready to pop. It just so happened that the vet was coming anyway, for something that will be another post. We walked out and looked at Hedy, who was huge but still eating bananas that’s we’d brought and otherwise seemed content.

The vet sorta shrugged her shoulders and said, “Hopefully she’ll deliver in the next few days.”

I was kinda thinking she’d deliver shortly.

About 3 hours later, we had this.

Jersey bull calf
Henry the newborn calf

Hedy had no issues whatsoever and delivered a pretty, perfect little bull calf. Sadly we were hoping for a girl but regardless he’s cute and perfect so we are happy.

This means we’ll be back in milk on schedule. It also means if you want to see the little cutie, he’s in the pasture right by the store so when you come for your goodies today, take a stroll out on this 62 degree day and meet Henry. 

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