A cute and cool idea for Valentines Day

When I was picking up cheese and gelato at one of our favorite farms this week, I found out they had some serious cuteness hidden in the back. It was kidding season at Celebrity Goat Dairy and they already had kids on the ground.

Tiny little baby goats just born
Tiny little baby goats

I was given a quick tour through the barns, some of which are from the 1800s, to see the mammas and baby goats.

Baby goats, just born
Baby goats everywhere

Some of them were still wet, having just been born.

Hugely pregnant momma goat
Sorry it’s blurry, it was a quick tour

The moms who hadn’t given birth yet looked like this. Like they’d swallowed four watermelons. They were HUGE!

So what does this have to do with Valentines day? Celebrity Goat Dairy is having an open barn event on February 11th and 12th where you can see all the new born goats, eat in their awesome dining area in the Inn, and even buy their goodies right there at the farm.

Now personally, I don’t like goats. But these little baby goats are CUTE! If you are looking for something different to do with the Mrs. for Valentine’s day, then this is a great option.

If you do decide to go, please tell Brit I sent you. They are great people and I want to support them all I can.

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