Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

As we did last year, (and I’m just copying and reusing the same post again) we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will be coming from Dawn Breaker Farms, the same farm we’ve been getting our limited chicken supply from these past few months. 

For all the years we’ve been selling turkeys at Thanksgiving, we’ve sold unfrozen turkeys. The good news, obviously, is they are fresh, never frozen. The down side is the logistics of handling 30 unfrozen turkeys, in a store where we have limited space to keep things cool but not frozen. That means our window for receiving, handling, storing, and delivering to you is super short causing stress to you and to us as we try to rush turkeys in, and you guys back out the door. 

With that said, Dawn Breaker freezes their turkeys. That is just the way they handle their processing. They are beyond organic, very high quality, and easier to handle. And they will be $8.75 per pound like last year. 

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys this time will target 15-20 pounds but as always the actual will be what it is. Usually people request small, medium, or large birds and we try to sort it out as best we can with what we get. 

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many birds we will have available this year. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $8.75 per pound.

Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

Once again I am reposting the previous years post. The only change is pricing has been updated for 2021. Now they are $8.50 per lb. Considering my house doubled in value and I can’t find a used car, that’s not too bad.

We again have not changed the process for our heritage breed Thanksgiving turkeys (all that info is at the bottom of the post). Nor have we changed SWMBO’s love affair with our turkeys.

As we did last year, we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will again be coming from our chicken farmer, Brittany Ridge Farms.

There really was no question on us getting turkeys again this year. Not because you lovely people ordered all we could get plus some. No, because SWMBO fell in LOVE with her turkey. I’ve given that lady vacations, jewelry, romantic dinners, a vacuum cleaner and even a blender. NONE of them (still kinda sad about the blender) elicited as good of a response as the turkey I brought her last year from Brittany Ridge. She was EXCITED beyond all reason (now you understand why I married her).

Last year, after Thanksgiving, I  found out that Christy had one turkey left in the cooler. After having just consumed a 23lb bird, SWMBO sent me back for the remaining bird and then asked if there was another one left after it was gone.

What can I say, the girl likes her some turkey.

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys are the same as before. Heritage breed. No GMO feed. Pasture raised. No anti-biotics. The turkeys are delivered fresh and chilled having never been frozen. 15-20 pounds is the target but they are the size they end up. Fair warning. Three years ago they were big. The last two years they were on target.

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many Christy will let me have this time, but I’m sure we’ll sell all we can get. Heck SWMBO might buy half the allotment. We’ll be taking deposits from now till when Christy cuts us off. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $8.50 per pound.

Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

This is literally a repost of the previous years post, which itself was a repost of the previous years post. I love it when things are easy!

We again have not changed the process nor the price for our heritage breed Thanksgiving turkeys (all that info is at the bottom of the post). Nor have we changed SWMBO’s love affair with our turkeys.

As we did last year, we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will again be coming from our chicken farmer, Brittany Ridge Farms.

There really was no question on us getting turkeys again this year. Not because you lovely people ordered all we could get plus some. No, because SWMBO fell in LOVE with her turkey. I’ve given that lady vacations, jewelry, romantic dinners, a vacuum cleaner and even a blender. NONE of them (still kinda sad about the blender) elicited as good of a response as the turkey I brought her last year from Brittany Ridge. She was EXCITED beyond all reason (now you understand why I married her).

Last year, after Thanksgiving, I  found out that Christy had one turkey left in the cooler. After having just consumed a 23lb bird, SWMBO sent me back for the remaining bird and then asked if there was another one left after it was gone.

What can I say, the girl likes her some turkey.

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys are the same as before. Heritage breed. No GMO feed. Pasture raised. No anti-biotics. The turkeys are delivered fresh and chilled having never been frozen. 15-20 pounds is the target but they are the size they end up. Fair warning. Two years ago they were big. Last year they were on target.

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many Christy will let me have this time, but I’m sure we’ll sell all we can get. Heck SWMBO might buy half the allotment. We’ll be taking deposits from now till when Christy cuts us off. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $7.99 per pound.

What dads are for

We are walking back from the barn and it begins to rain. Spork and The Princess seem unaffected but Bok Bok turns and asks for me to get her out of the rain. I smile and reach up and pull my hat off of my head and pop it onto hers. She gives me a big smile as the rain pelts off of her new hat,a smile that melts my heart. She continues forward to the house, now happy and oblivious to the rain. She was so cute I grabbed the phone and snapped a quick picture.

You only get a few years to be the hero to your kids. Thank God I get this time and was able to capitalize. And for you boys out there, you never know when your hat is going to make a lady’s day. You do have a hat, right?