Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

As we did last year, (and I’m just copying and reusing the same post again) we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will be coming from Dawn Breaker Farms, the same farm we’ve been getting our limited chicken supply from these past few months. 

For all the years we’ve been selling turkeys at Thanksgiving, we’ve sold unfrozen turkeys. The good news, obviously, is they are fresh, never frozen. The down side is the logistics of handling 30 unfrozen turkeys, in a store where we have limited space to keep things cool but not frozen. That means our window for receiving, handling, storing, and delivering to you is super short causing stress to you and to us as we try to rush turkeys in, and you guys back out the door. 

With that said, Dawn Breaker freezes their turkeys. That is just the way they handle their processing. They are beyond organic, very high quality, and easier to handle. And they will be $8.75 per pound like last year. 

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys this time will target 15-20 pounds but as always the actual will be what it is. Usually people request small, medium, or large birds and we try to sort it out as best we can with what we get. 

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many birds we will have available this year. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $8.75 per pound.

Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

Once again I am reposting the previous years post. The only change is pricing has been updated for 2021. Now they are $8.50 per lb. Considering my house doubled in value and I can’t find a used car, that’s not too bad.

We again have not changed the process for our heritage breed Thanksgiving turkeys (all that info is at the bottom of the post). Nor have we changed SWMBO’s love affair with our turkeys.

As we did last year, we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will again be coming from our chicken farmer, Brittany Ridge Farms.

There really was no question on us getting turkeys again this year. Not because you lovely people ordered all we could get plus some. No, because SWMBO fell in LOVE with her turkey. I’ve given that lady vacations, jewelry, romantic dinners, a vacuum cleaner and even a blender. NONE of them (still kinda sad about the blender) elicited as good of a response as the turkey I brought her last year from Brittany Ridge. She was EXCITED beyond all reason (now you understand why I married her).

Last year, after Thanksgiving, I  found out that Christy had one turkey left in the cooler. After having just consumed a 23lb bird, SWMBO sent me back for the remaining bird and then asked if there was another one left after it was gone.

What can I say, the girl likes her some turkey.

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys are the same as before. Heritage breed. No GMO feed. Pasture raised. No anti-biotics. The turkeys are delivered fresh and chilled having never been frozen. 15-20 pounds is the target but they are the size they end up. Fair warning. Three years ago they were big. The last two years they were on target.

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many Christy will let me have this time, but I’m sure we’ll sell all we can get. Heck SWMBO might buy half the allotment. We’ll be taking deposits from now till when Christy cuts us off. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $8.50 per pound.

Thanksgiving turkeys available for pre-order now

This is literally a repost of the previous years post, which itself was a repost of the previous years post. I love it when things are easy!

We again have not changed the process nor the price for our heritage breed Thanksgiving turkeys (all that info is at the bottom of the post). Nor have we changed SWMBO’s love affair with our turkeys.

As we did last year, we are taking deposits on turkeys for Thanksgiving. These turkeys will again be coming from our chicken farmer, Brittany Ridge Farms.

There really was no question on us getting turkeys again this year. Not because you lovely people ordered all we could get plus some. No, because SWMBO fell in LOVE with her turkey. I’ve given that lady vacations, jewelry, romantic dinners, a vacuum cleaner and even a blender. NONE of them (still kinda sad about the blender) elicited as good of a response as the turkey I brought her last year from Brittany Ridge. She was EXCITED beyond all reason (now you understand why I married her).

Last year, after Thanksgiving, I  found out that Christy had one turkey left in the cooler. After having just consumed a 23lb bird, SWMBO sent me back for the remaining bird and then asked if there was another one left after it was gone.

What can I say, the girl likes her some turkey.

Carving the Thanksgiving turkey with David Spohn
Carving the bird with my brother-in-law David. And of course sampling along the way.

The turkeys are the same as before. Heritage breed. No GMO feed. Pasture raised. No anti-biotics. The turkeys are delivered fresh and chilled having never been frozen. 15-20 pounds is the target but they are the size they end up. Fair warning. Two years ago they were big. Last year they were on target.

Thanksgiving turkey.
The before shot of our turkey….Ok, it’s a Google image. I forgot to take a picture of before.

I don’t know how many Christy will let me have this time, but I’m sure we’ll sell all we can get. Heck SWMBO might buy half the allotment. We’ll be taking deposits from now till when Christy cuts us off. It’ll be first come, first serve. Deposits are $40 payable in the store. The price per pound will be $7.99 per pound.

A Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat

So goes the line from Arlo Guthrie’s iconic song, Alice’s Restaurant. If you wonder how folks who grow their own food and sell the best proteins in NC eat, here you go. In our case, Thanksgiving 2016 was such a dinner as Arlo spoke of, minus the going to court, and the implements of destruction.

After escaping the country last year for Thanksgiving, we ended up hosting at our house this year for SWMBO’s side of the family. That meant my father-in-law and his wife and my brother-in-law and his wife. Plus the gaggle of cousins.

The star of our meal, our Brittany Ridge Farms fresh turkey
The star of our meal, our Brittany Ridge Farms fresh turkey

Since we were hosting, Grandpa and my brother-in-law ended up doing the cooking (and Barb, who actually did most if it). Our Brittany Ridge Farms turkey showed up fresh, never frozen, and a whopping 24 pounds! It barely fit in the oven.

Checking the turkey for doneness
Is it done yet?

There was some consternation over the turkey cooking slower than they thought it would. I guess 24+ pounds cooks slower than a typical 16 pound turkey. Since SWMBO and I were not part of the cooking team, we sat back and heckled mainly. I’m sure it helped.

Brittany Ridge Farms Thanksgiving turkey
Brittany Ridge Farms Thanksgiving turkey

In the end, it came out beautifully. Since I was playing a Thanksgiving drinking game, this was cause for a drink. “Dinner is at least 30 minutes late. Take one drink.” We’d also passed several milestones by this point.

Now on to the carving.

Dave and Dan carving the turkey
The two boys, carving and sampling

This was our first Thanksgiving in our recently self remodeled kitchen. Having two islands was awesome. Dave and I were able to hop over to this island and work on the bird with plenty of room to spare. Note I’m representing our honey farmer, Buck Naked Farm with the apron. It’s my favorite one.

Serving Thanksgiving dinner on the new counter
Help yourself!

This countertop was part of the original house, which was taken from another house when our house was built (40 years ago). It was an antique (100+ years) when it came to our house which means the wood of this counter is at least 140 years old. Then you consider the tree itself was probably 75 years old before it was cut. That means the seed for this tree went into the soil in the late 1700 to early 1800s. There is a lot of history in this wood. I spent 6 months restoring this countertop that is holding the food you see above. It was worth it.

The kids table. Why don't we seat them at this table at every meal?
The kids table. Why don’t we seat them at this table at every meal?

Thanksgiving dinner 2016
Ahh, dinner at last.

The key to a successful dinner? Put the kids at the kids table.

Home made pies for Thanksgiving
Home made pies for Thanksgiving

Sweet potato, pecan, apple, and in deference to our Caribbean trip last year, key lime pie. All home made, and all topped with Simply Natural Creamery whipped cream and ice cream.

Wildflower with pie, whipped cream, and sprinkles
Wildflower, showing us how it’s done.

Everything is better with sprinkles.

I gained the requisite 3 pounds after this meal. And was fairly useless. I think I went to bed at 6:30.

I hope your Thanksgiving meal was as good as ours. Remember, next year we’ll be taking orders for turkeys again. By November 1st, we are already sold out. Get your orders in early.

Last call for turkeys for 2016

I’ve been slack on letting you know we are getting turkeys for Thanksgiving. I posted about it in late August and then have completely ignored it since then. I guess there was a hurricane in the middle. And we had some other farm craziness to tend to.

Fortunately Lucy has done a good job of telling people when they are in the store so we still have a good number of pre-orders but now is the time if you want to get on the list to let us know. The window will be closing before too long so if you want a turkey, you need to get by and put a deposit on one. festive-food-1388406500q51

The turkeys are $6.25 per pound and will range between 15 and 20 pounds. Deposits are $40.