New store hours starting January 1st

As we enter 2019, we are going back to our “winter” hours from previous years. The holidays season is our busiest time of the year, but January through March is our slowest. So knowing that slow down is coming, we are going to drop Monday from the schedule starting January 1st, and now be open:

Wednesday and Friday 2pm-6pm
Saturday 9am-5pm

Basically our hours are the same, but we are dropping Mondays from the schedule. This lets Jeanette have a day off.

We will continue to do our restocking on Tuesdays so that means Wednesday will be the day to pick up items you have pre-ordered or pick up milk right after it shows.

Little boy eating chocolate chip cookie
Mmm, chocolate chip cookies!

Saturdays will continue to be the day that the girls work, that we have most of our tours, and that we have fresh baked cookies.

If for some reason you just have to be here on a Monday, shoot me an email and I’ll try to accommodate you if I can, schedule permitting.

Again, this starts January 1st so keep on coming on Mondays till then.

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