Post 666, what was I thinking?

Funny devil, laughing
He’s laughing at me.

I noted when I logged onto the WordPress dashboard that my post count had reached 666. Not a good number.

I thought to myself, “Self, you should do a quick post just to get off that number.” Then I wandered off and did farming stuff and let it sit for a few days. I had plenty of stuff to post, but there were pigs to treat, produce to pick up, things to do. You know how it is. Then yesterday while I was having my truck worked on (my brand new truck that I’ve already broken), I checked my email and saw that our site was down. I called support and they said, “Um yeah, it looks like we have an issue on our end.” I made mention of the fact that this was the third “issue” in about as many months and it had me down hard which in the hosting world is pretty bad. The answer was, “Well, you are on a pretty old server. You should upgrade to a new server.” After some back and forth, it came to be that upgrades are something that I need to ask about, that they don’t just migrate you on their own. Turns out that I would pay less for a newer setup. I just had to do the transfer myself. I thought doing my own transfer was odd since I know that hosting companies will transfer for you when you switch providers but whatever, I just rebuilt the entire site, I should be able to do it.

Long story short, two days of work in my off hours, and working on the site with tech support since about 4am this morning, we are back online. If you see anything broken, please let me know.

WordPress dashboard screen shot
No more tempting Ol’ Scratch. Let’s move on towards 1000.

Most importantly, this is post 667. No more tempting the devil.

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