More pork arrives at the farm

We received two kinds of pork this past week.

The first is in the freezers. I took 5 pigs to the processor a couple of weeks ago and all that product is back and in the freezers. I had a few of you request to know when the pork was in and I’m finally getting around to posting something. Sorry.

We are LOADED with pork products, including the BBQ that everyone was asking for. I’ll be on the farm this afternoon so just give me a call (919)810-2530 or email at to schedule a time to get by.

The second kind of pork is less tasty but much cuter.

Baby Large Black pigs, just born and snuggled up together
Baby Large Black pigs, just born and snuggled up together

One of our Large Black sows has had a litter of piglets this past Friday. She had six in total.

Large Black sow with piglets
Mom with her new llitter

One was born with a really large gash on his neck which we’ve been treating. First we had to get all the dirt out which required flushing the wound repeatedly over a couple of days. Then yesterday Spork and I took a little extra time after feeding and brought him out for some home surgery.

Large Black piglet after sewing up a large wound
All sewn up.

It certainly wasn’t the kind of stitching that I prefer (Hi Katie!) but it was serviceable for what we were doing. And considering he was squirming the whole time wanting to get back with his brothers and sisters to get warm, it was ok. Another flush of the wound, then iodine, then stitches, then Alushield. We also gave him a small injection of Liquimyacin to stave off any infection. That will likely require a follow up shot in a few days. Till then we’ll flush the wound daily (I left it open top and bottom). If he makes it a week, he should be good. That’s more than I can say for his siblings as it looks like mom sat on two of them and killed them.

2 Replies to “More pork arrives at the farm”

  1. Oh Dan – the circle of life and death on the farm – love having a peek at your daily challenges – thanks so much for your blogs!

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