Merry Christmas from the farm

The other day, one of our customers stopped by asking if they could buy some meat and maybe see the runt piglet.

“Sure. No problem.”

“Can we stop by now?”

“Um, I’m kinda running around right now, but sure come on over.”

They wanted to know if they could take a picture with the pig.

I was busy doing something so I sent Spork along to help and make sure the piglet got put back in the cage. Of course I asked for copies of the pictures and this is what I received.

Pretty lady with pig wearing santa hats
Merry Christmas

They brought a hat. For. The. Pig.

If that isn’t cute I don’t know what is.

Couple in santa hats with piglet
The happy couple, and our piglet.

The funny part is, the piglet was screaming in the beginning and by the time this picture was taken about 45 seconds later, she was sound asleep. If you look closely you can see her passed out.

It’s ok if you sleep through Christmas. Santa understands.

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