The runt pig meets Santa Claus

Santa with little girl
Santa with Wildflower

Every year, SWMBO has Santa Claus come to the house to see all the kids. This all started when one of our friends kid, who is autistic, wasn’t too happy about seeing the big man at the mall. So SWMBO arranged for Mr. Claus to come to us at the farm. 10 years later we are still at it and Santa has gotten to know all the kids as they’ve grown up.

Kids with Santa
My kids, Spork, Princess, and Wildflower, with Santa

Everybody gets time with Kris Kringle and he makes the whole thing very personal for each kid. It’s quite amazing to watch and I’m very happy she started this tradition. As you’d expect, Santa has it going on and knows how to make the kids feel special.

Little girl playing piano for Santa
The Princess playing for Santa, who enjoyed the performance. 

Each year, the kids get older, and we add new kids to the mix.

Farmer holding runt pig at Christmas
Holly, the runt pig.

This year, Santa wanted to meet Holly, our runt piglet who lives in the house with us (so far.) I wasn’t sure he really wanted to meet her but he said he loved pigs so I went and got her for him.

PIglet with Santa Claus
Santa with Holly, just before she bit him.

Holly, like many babies on Santa’s lap for the first time, screamed and cried the whole time. He was very nice but she wasn’t having it. The visit culminated with Holly biting Santa on the finger, guaranteeing coal in her stocking for some time to come. He then put her down on the ground to calm down.

Piglet peeing on rug, with Santa
Holly, peeing on the rug.

Holly showed her displeasure with the whole experience by promptly backing up and peeing on the carpet. You can see SWMBO and Grandma (bottom left) both diving to catch her but it didn’t slow Holly down one bit. I’m laughing, of course. What else can you do?

Everyone had a large time. It’s not every day you get professional pictures (thanks Diane!!) of a piglet and Santa Claus.

I hope everyone had as good of a Christmas as we did and I hope you are ready for a great new year.

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